Aetna insurance through Honda of America....2 year weight loss history

My insurance is Aetna through Honda of America, I live in the Columbus,Ohio Area. Aetna says that Honda has a Two year weight loss stipulation...I can't find it there anyone else out there who has insurance through Honda that knows of this stipulation.....amd has had surgery last year or this year....anyother help or information you can give will be appreciated.    — Sheila J. (posted on April 29, 2003)

August 11, 2005
I work for AHM in Torrance, Calfornia. I have been going through the process of getting approved since 2003. I was told when I started the process with UCLA Bariatric Program, That I was approved through Aetna. Apparently, after seeing my Dr for 6-Months, and a Licensed Dietcian, Aetna is now criticizing my dr's notations within the 6 month weight loss period. Aetna is ridiculous. I have a surgery date on Wednesday, 8/17. Today is 8/11, and I still do not have approval through Aetna. I will pursue this legally if they deny coverage for a 2nd time. This is ridiculous!
   — Shellie27c

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