Has anyone heard of a water skin or a water belt?

I seen my doctor on monday and he suggested that I get either a water skin or a water belt. I have never heard of either one. And does anyone know where I could purchase either one?    — chirsw (posted on April 30, 2003)

April 30, 2003
Did he recommend this because you are not drinking enough fluids? If that is the case, check out Camelbak products or look for similar items after you see what they are like. Basically they are water carrying products with a simple tube delivery system that allow you to carry a considerable amount of liquid with you. They were developed for hikers and bikers and are most often similar to wearing a backpack. I use mine when I'm going to participatein activities where I don't want to be carying a waterbottle around. It helps me get my fluids in when I am busy with my hands, too. Esp. when I am doing involved crafts stuff, or even when I am sitting at the computer and son't want to be bothered getting up all the time to refill my glass or water bottle. Sue
   — Sue C.

May 1, 2003
You can also find off brands of them various other places. I know that Target carried them last year for about $30. I also know that Sam's club (if you have that in your area) carries them seasonally. As a matter of fact, I just bought a 70 oz. (2 litre) one from Sam's for $17.99 vs. the $69.99 I paid for my 100oz Camelback brand. When shopping I would suggest buying one that has a large opening for filling (some are only pop bottle size) as it is easier to clean and add ice cubes into. Also, you can partially fill the bladder and stick it in the freezer overnight and then add water in the morning.
   — eaamc

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