Has anyone's hypothyroidism IMPROVED after surgery?

I was hypothyroid for years pre-op, but now my doctor wants to reduce or eliminate my synthroid as my levels on my last two tests have shown my thyroid as OVER active now. Has this happened to anyone else long-term post-op? I'm afraid to have her change my meds since I don't want to gain! :)    — mom2jtx3 (posted on May 6, 2003)

May 6, 2003
I'm actually on a higher dose now than I have ever been on, even though I'm down 120 pounds from my all time high. I think it may have something to do with malabsorption. My doc kicked my dose up in January and I just had blood drawn at the end of April. My thyroid levels are normal. Getting the weight off won't 'cure' hypothyroidism. I know quite a few people who are of normal weight or maybe even slightly overweight who need thyroid meds.
   — garw

May 7, 2003
Hi, I've had my synthroid dose reduced twice now (from .25 to .225, now to .2). Didn't notice any effect the first time, this week, I'm complaining about weight gain. Never thought till I read this question that it could be related. I'll keep you posted.
   — AmyL

May 7, 2003
I had a partial thyroidectomy 8/00 for a complex nodule on the left lobe. All biopsies came back normal. The head and neck surgeon said, "If it's normal tissue, why is it growing there?" So I had the left lobe removed, and the frozen sections were all benign (yea!).But, my ultrasound showed I had some "spots" on the right lobe. I wasn't put on any thyroid replacement after surgery. I slowly and painfully became hypothyroid, even though all my levels were "normal". I was fortunate to find a wonderful endocrinologist who said the remainder of my thyroid should be suppressed, because I would likely develop nodules on it eventually, but by suppressing it, that might be prevented. So, I was on Synthroid for about 6 months, determined I was allergic to it (and it was not my imagination.) I switched to Levoxyl, 200mcg daily to start. Since I have had WLS, my PCP has decreased the dose 3 times - now on 125mcg. (My wonderful endo has moved away!) My weight loss has slowed tremendously, but I don't have any hypothyroid symptoms and my labs are still normal. (I may have to remind my PCP that I'm supposed to be suppressed, not normal, next time he wants to lower the dose!) Most women feel best with a TSH between 1 and 2. Mine got to 2.94, still "normal" but not normal for me (1.17 was my normal before surgery). I felt like death warmed over. Thank heavens I was treated! My advice would be: if you feel well, you may try lowering the dose just slightly and have you doc recheck levels in 6 weeks.
   — koogy

May 7, 2003
At 3 months out my endo decreased my synthroid. My cytomel is at the same dose. I was worried about the change and how it would impact my weight loss, but it is very dangerous to be on the wrong dose of thyroid meds. After my heart attack in 2001, the new cardiac meds I was on interfered with my thyroid meds and I dropped 45 pounds in like 6 weeks but I became very sick. I was weak, cold, crabby and my hair was nasty. That is when I was sent to my endocrinologist. I love and trust him so much, and he does know what is best. If you trust your doctor, you should do what she says. If you don't trust her judgement on this, see someone else. It could save your life. Thyroid levels that are out of normal limits can lead to all kind of health problems. Best of luck to you. God Bless. <><
   — garnet156

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