I have surgery next Wednesday and have 2 fillings bothering me

My surgery is next week. I just read on the message board about not having surgery if you have an abcessed tooth. How do you know if it is absessed? I am pushed for time. I had the two fillings done in March and they bother me after eating very cold foods. They do not hurt all the time and I do not have a fever. The dentist said he was near the nerve so they may hurt a bit but I was giving them time to adjust, as a friend suggested. Do you think I'm ok for surgery and they are just heat sensitive?    — Sharon B. (posted on May 8, 2003)

May 8, 2003
Chances are if you had an abcess, you'd know it. If the sensitivity is to cold or heat, i'm sure its just like your dentist said. I have a tooth that's mostly filling from years and years ago, when I bite something hard on it, it hurts. Same with cold, but its been like that forever.
   — lorien

May 8, 2003
An abscessed tooth means it is infected.. Usually a pocket near the tooth is filled with pus, and you would know it from the pain! Also, within a short time, your face would probably start to swell also. My teeth ALWAYS hurt from cold drinks/foods. I wouldn't worry about that. Good luck next week. Lori =o)
   — Lori A.

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