How can I eat this much food?

I am 2 months out. Today I ate 5 oz of cottage cheeze and yogart for breakfast...then had catfish for lunch and ate on it all home and had protien shake...8:00 had lean pocket...oh...11:00 had 1/2 adkins diet bar and ate other half in afternoon....I cannot start this again. Can anyone out there eat like this at 8 weeks? I think I did not drink enough. I am so afraid I am going to fail. I have lost 43 pounds and have 62 to go. I think I need diet pills already. Please give me some advice.    — Sandy C. (posted on May 10, 2003)

May 9, 2003
How many calories is that? It doesn't sound like a huge amount, and you did a good job with protein, too. You've done a great job losing thus far -- 43 pounds in 2 months is awesome! I am a new post-op, so I'm not sure, but maybe you shouldn't eat on something all afternoon -- I think we're supposed to have mealtimes, and when the time is done, just stop eating and then eat again at the next mealtime, not continuous eating. You sound like you're doing ok, though. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 9, 2003
Not soo bad. The only thing is the catfish which you ate all afternoon. We are only supossed to eat 1/2 hour meals. If you drink alittle more you will eat a little less. You are doing great. In 2 months you've lost nearly1/2 of your weight. Good lux
   — Robert L.

May 9, 2003
It sounds like what you are eating is very good for you and you are losing. If you reach a point where you are not losing then you can re-evaluate. If you drink more I think you will find yourself less hungry and losing more weight. Don't do the diet pills. I am 2 1/2 months out. I have reached a plateau but will start exercising more and drink more.. Good luck! 43 lbs is great!
   — Rhonda S.

May 10, 2003
Six small meals is not bad. I don't know what you mean by eating catfish all afternoon but that might not be a good thing. I've had meals where I've had to put half away (not a regular sized meal but one of my tiny meals and I can only eat half) and eat it an hour later or so but mostly I try to not do that. Otherwise I think you're wise to do six small meals and to be vigilant as to what those meals consist of. Your weight loss is good and I don't think you're going to fail. Up your water and you'll be fine.
   — susanje

May 10, 2003
I went to a body building seminar and they said to keep your metabolism up it's best to eat 6 meals spread out vs 3 big ones. It takes planning ahead to spread your meals and know exactly what you'll be eating, so its not a grazing way of eating. (anything at the moment) High proteins first veggies,fruit and healthy carbs.
   — ZZ S.

May 10, 2003
I don't see anythign wrong with the actual foods you ate at ll. I personaolly avoid yogurt because I avoid hidden sugars, but sounds like you're getting very little of it. You might try setting a timer (I know, brutal) and your meal is over in 15 minutes. At 8 weeks, I was still eating 1 oz meals, about 2-3 hours apart. At 9 yrs, I eat 4 meals, about 3-4 hours apart. Hard to tell cuz I drink a protein between meals. You're correct in thinking grazing is deadly. It can put every single pound right back on, not to mention what it is ALREADY doing to your self esteem. If you must eat catfish (ewwww), divide iti into 2-3 oz portions in little ziploks or plastic dealies. Then you have to go get it, heat it or put it on a plate, get a fork, get your napkin, and sit down. Voila, end of mindless eating. And that's what you're after: CONTROL. I make little deals with myself all the time. I can have the ______ (fill in weight gainer of your choice) right after I finish this protein drink. That almost always gets me by that thinking.
   — vitalady

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