How will I wear a robe with an IV in?

I'm finishing my packing tomorrow and the robe does not fit in my bag. Then I got to thinking about the IV and how a long sleeved robe would be of any use. Do I stuff it in or not. I'm hot natured anyway! Thanks to all for your wonderful supportive emails and posts. I could not do this without you. Off to work!    — Sharon B. (posted on May 13, 2003)

May 12, 2003
Hello; I didn't take one & was just fine, accutally I was so warm after my surgery I only wore my gown for the first day after surgery. I then switched to a pair of shorts & threw on my gown when I went walking. So I would say dont worry abour bringing it. Make sure they have a fan in your room, as you will be sooooo hot. Good look to you.
   — Kevin M.

May 12, 2003
Hi Sharon...forget the long sleeved robe, it's pretty warm in hospitals. Just ask for a second gown, and put that on as you would a robe, it will cover your backside while you walk the hall. All I brought was a short sleeved summer robe, a toothbrush, a brush, and chapstick! Had all I needed. Wore home the clothes I arrived in. Best wishes to you.
   — Linda B.

May 12, 2003
I loved having my robe in the hospital and just draped it over my shoulders for my walks. I know that a lot of people say it is hot in the hospital but I was cold the whole time I was there.
   — Carol S.

May 12, 2003
I did the second gown thing that Linda mentioned below. Works very well!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 13, 2003
I took my robe to the hospital, but never used it. When I was walking around, the effort kept me warm enough! I just walked around in my gown (which closed well in the back). IF I had wanted to put on the robe, it would not have been a problem since each time I went for a walk they disconnected the IV.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 13, 2003
I was dang sorry I did'nt take a robe. The cool (and freezing) hospital robe did'nt cover my fat a## and when I walked my naked, flabby butt bounced in the breeze for all gapping mouths to see. I did'nt want to buy a big robe just for the hospital. (Never owned a robe before). I should have. As far as getting it over the IV... no big deal. The nurses can unhook the IV for a couple seconds (IV will still be in your arm/hand, only unhooked so you can put your arm into it. Just have them help you.
   — Danmark

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