Do you get a Distended Stomach after you eat???

I posted this last week but I really need to hear from people who have had this happen and what did you do. When I wake up in the morning my stomach is flat but after I eat it gets distended and distended so that by after dinner I look 9 months pregnant and it is hard as a rock. I have to unbutton my pants it gets so uncomfortable throughout the day. Do I have a ruptured stapleline or is something leaking?? If you have any answers PLEASE repond. Thanks for your help. Donna    — Donna B. (posted on May 13, 2003)

May 13, 2003
I have it too, but I don't know why.
   — Darlene P.

May 13, 2003
Hi Donna, I would recommend you call your surgeon or primary ASAP when you have a concern that brings you such anxiety not to mention pain and discomfort. I do get an extended stomach that I can watch grow through out the day. I also watch it go back down after a bm. I can't say that I look 9 months pregnant, but I definatley have a roll above my pants waist that I rub like a Budda Belly...and it's flat as can be the next day or after a good potty break. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -150(ish)
   — KimBo36

May 13, 2003
I get the same thing and have wondered why myself. I'm assuming that it is just filling up with gas as the intestines react to food I have eaten. It always goes back down so I don't worry about it too much. It is uncomfortable and I have blown up as much as 5 inches and look preg also. And very firm to pressure. I have wondered if I just had 'sensitive guts' because I eat the right foods. Hope you get some good advice.
   — Cheri M.

May 13, 2003
I get this if I eat too many carbs. If I eat mostly protein and veggies it doesn't happen. It also doesn't happen with protein supps or bars.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 13, 2003
I have this too. Doc run every test known to man and concluded it was gas. When it first happened it did not hurt but now gas pains almost kill me. I am going to start writing down everything I eat and see if I can corner the culprit. If anyone knows a great treatment for gas let me know. I take gas x...does not help much. ALWAYS check with you doc though. Better safe than sorry.
   — Oldsoul

May 13, 2003
Donna, I also have this, I have noticed usually it is after eating carb's. Like you it also goes down, so I have not been very concerned. Sometimes I do have gas that is very painful, but it always passes without any lasting effect.
   — Valerie M.

May 14, 2003
I have the same problem but I notice that it is either I have eaten to much or had to many carbs! It takes a couple hours for it to go down.
   — Tamala T.

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