4 mo. post RNY and cannot quit eating. Feel hungry all the time

Please let me know if you have been through this and how to overcome it. My Dr. wants to do a barium swallow to check the pouch size but my husband left us and I have no insurance right now so 500.00 for a test is out of the question. I feel like I have never even had surgery. I lost 60ish lbs but have not lost anything in 3 wks. I am so confused. I even had a cinnamon roll a few days ago and no dumping or anything! Anyone who can respond would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!    — Laureace A. (posted on May 18, 2003)

May 18, 2003
I am also 4 months post-op RNY and my appetite has come back a little this month. Plus I've noticed I can eat a little more too. I believe this is normal, but if you combine all that (which is very scary at first) with stress and marital problems and you've got the recipe for disaster. You've gotta get ahold on your eating immediately or you're gonna gain what you've lost and then all that pain and suffering for this surgery will have been a waste. Stop now and get control! Find your eating habits from a month or two ago and start eating high protein, low carb foods again. A cinnamon roll is definitely not on a low carb diet but a bite of one is ok. Start taking walks instead of sitting and worrying and eating unconsciously. Good luck to you!!<br> Lap-RNY 1/13/03 -100 lbs & Counting!
   — thumpiez

May 18, 2003
HI. listen dont get to upset try eating a high fiber for breakfast this will prepare u for the protien that u will be eating latter in the day. The fiber will soak up any fat u eat and the protien will get your metabolism going. Your also under alot of stress and u could be going into your old pattern to eat for confort. Also u may want to try and eat every 3 hrs. small meals that may help also in between drink water. Hope this will help chris
   — chris L.

May 18, 2003
I'm so sorry to hear you're going through such a difficult time. Do you qualify for any kind of public assistance? As for the eating, I can't imagine NOT eating, with what you are dealing with. But, you can't let that get the best of you. You CAN get a hold of yourself, and pull yourself up and out of this eating for comfort cycle. Can you stick to protein only for a few days? I know it's hard, but I bet you'd feel better, and be able to get control of the eating. Gosh, I wish there was something I could do to help. :( Just know you aren't alone.
   — Diana L.

May 18, 2003
I am certainly no expert on this and I really hope someone who knows better will address this....but I was very strongly under the impression that if a spouse providing family medical coverage leaves the family they are legally obligated to continue that coverage until the final divorce proceedings state otherwise. I think it would be worth your while to check in to this. I wish you luck and hope you find the help you need!
   — Lynne S.

May 19, 2003
Everyone is different, but this happens to ME when I eat too many carbs. Try eating protein ONLY for a couple of days. Don't worry about limiting HOW MUCH protein, just do protein only. This is what gets my eating back under control. If I eat carbs, I'm hungry ALL THAT TIME.
   — mom2jtx3

May 19, 2003
My husband and I are separated also. You have a RIGHT to use his health insurance until the divorce is FINAL!!! And during a time like this you should try to concentrate on making yourself "BEAUTIFUL" just to make him MAD!!! (smile) It will be HIS loss! I will ask God to STRENGTHEN you!
   — Eleanore Davis

May 19, 2003
Laureace, I have no idea what you are eating and how often or how much you are eating, but here are some helpful tips for you. First, ensure that you are not drinking with or right after meals. It is important to let the food stay in thepouch as long as possible to retain that full feeling. Drinking washes it right out. Try eating more frequently. If you get hungry too soon after a meal, then make your meals smaller but more frequent. I try to eat whenever hungry, but small amounts-this keeps the metabolism burning something all the time, and hunger away. Always eat protein first at meals, then if you have room for other stuff, do veggie, then fruit. Cinnamon rolls are super no-no's, though tasty, they are sooo high in calories and fat and SUGAR. The more sugar and white carbs you eat, the more of them you will crave. FACT. If you can just eat a bite or two, more power to you.If you can't control the amounts of carbs and sugars (and I am not a believer in NEVER), then you have to go cold turkey for awhile to de-tox. For meals, try eating dense foods that are designed to fill you up-meats, apples, pears are good examples. And lastly, are you exercising?? That is truly the key to get the weight going down. Good luck.
   — Cindy R.

May 19, 2003
Do you take a multivitamin? When do you take it? Vitamins can stimulate your appitite, I had to quit taking mine every day. I know that I need the vitamins but I was so hungry that I was even waking up at night to eat! Try taking your vitamin at night instead of during the day, this helped some what. Make sure you drink a full glass of water with them. I also switched the kind I took and it is much better now! Good luck. God Bless. <><
   — garnet156

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