I need help! I have been having horrible anxiety and emotions.

I am 2 months post op today and down 33lbs. Helath wise I am great. I excercise, eat good, take in all my protein, water, and vitamins,(including B12)with no problem. However, I have horrible anxiety attacks which have caused me to quit my job, I hated working there anyway, and have passed on two other job opportunities, which I shouldn't have, because I get so worked up emotionally. I talked to my doctors and they both agreed that it is hormones or stress. I do have PCOS and it causes my hormones to go crazy but never like this, EVER. I need some advice and hoping that some of you who have experienced similar problems will share your experiences. Thank you!    — Steph P. (posted on May 24, 2003)

May 24, 2003
Great, they agree. Do they have any solutions? I am pre-op with PCOS and I had huge mood swings and started having anxiety attacks until my doctor put me on Celexa. Now I'm my old even tempered self. Just because it's hormonal or stress related doesn't mean it can't be treated, so get them to do so or find another doctor who will. Good luck!
   — Maria N.

May 24, 2003
Get your thyroid tested! Sounds like it could be hyper. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

May 24, 2003
Steph-- I'm sorry you're having such a tough time. Wouldn't it be great if the surgery worked on our brains too? I have the same problems and my PCP put me on Paxil. It has helped enormously with the anxiety and insomnia. I also have PCOS and there is no reason for you to suffer these attacks just because it may be "hormones or stress". If your anxiety attacks are severe, it sounds like you need meds or a therapist or both, easier said than done when you may not have insurance through your job anymore. If you still have insurance, please consider your options. Even if you don't have insurance, you may be able to find low-cost therapy and medication options via state and federal agancies. You don't mention if you have a supportive family/home environment but I hope you do-- if you can talk to a trusted family member (even if it's just to cry in frustration), then do it. Do you attend support group meetings for WLS patients? I've found them to be a real help just to be with other people who have similar concerns. Feel free to email me, there are solutions to these problems!
   — lizinPA

May 24, 2003
I went thru the same thing and am on anti anxiety meds right now am hoping to taper off them soon. They have caused me to platua for a while. Am 7 months out. The best thing you can do for your self is to go seek help befor it gets worse. I missed work for about 2 weeks because of a mental break down.
   — sheri B.

May 25, 2003
Steph, post-op is a hard time for anyone. I don't think anyone realizes to the extent that our emotions are involved until afterwards, b/c ofcourse, its hard to prepare for that. And b/c you have PCOS, this is just increased post-op. But you're not alone! I suggest talking to your doctors further and maybe going on anxiety medication. I know it has helped many people. It does get better though. I'm a year out and used to be on depression meds and am not anymore. Try some relaxation techniques as well, maybe that can help you get a grip when you feel especially horrible and it will help you feel more calm. Take a bath and light some candles, lie comfortably and listen to a relaxation tape or soothing music, or take up yoga. All of these things have helped me a great deal. Goodluck to you :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

May 26, 2003
Hi guys. Steph here. Thanks for the advice. I plan on talking with my PCP soon. I do have a very supportive husband and four kids who have been amazing throughout this whole process. I just really wanted to avoid meds but this anxiety has got to stop. Again, Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
   — Steph P.

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