How do you write a message post that ends up on your surgery page as well?

I have noticed that a lot of people post messages on the message boards that also end up on their profile page. How do I do that?    — Good_Courage_Ruth (posted on June 2, 2003)

June 2, 2003
You use your browser's Copy and Paste feature. Regarding the messages in <font color=blue>BLUE</font> that are on the message board...they are posted from a surgery page using the "Yes - I have an update" feature on that page. But the staff at has asked that this feature only be used for true updates on a member's surgery or when a member is just about to go in for surgery and their angel would like some support messages on the page, not for general posts on the board. Right now there's no feature that lets you post to a surgery page/message board/profile page all at one time though. Sorry if this isn't clear...I editing three times and I know it's still long and kind of confusing.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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