Why am I so tired?

I'm nearly 3 weeks post-op. Down 22lbs. I get so tired so quickly.. sometimes just walking to the car tires me completly.. not sleepy tire.. just physically. I'm taking all my vitamins with the exception of the Iron pills, which I'm supposed to start taking this thursday. I really hate this . thanks :-)    — KellyJeanB (posted on June 2, 2003)

June 2, 2003
kelly, I am almost three weeks out too. My surgery was May 14th, and I still get tired really easily. Just running a few errons whipes me out. You have to remeber that our bodies are still healing, and it is going to have to get use to only eating very few calories. This is all very normal. I have heard of people not getting their energy back for a couple of months.
   — Robin T.

June 2, 2003
You are feeling NORMAL dont worry!!! I felt like a slug for about the first 6 weeks after surgery. It was even hard for me to get out and walk so I just did the best I could and little by little as the pounds flew off and the weeks went on my energy level went through the roof!!!! I promise you will start feeling better very soon. Make sure and have your B12 level checked just in case...... sometimes you may need an injection instead of the pills. Good luck to you. Wendi Open RNY 9/19/02 down 130lbs
   — lovemonterey

June 2, 2003
Just hang in there. After a couple of months and you'll be bouncing off the walls with energy! Well ... at least I am. The first few weeks post-op I was physically drained and would get exhausted just moving around my apartment. Now I feel hyper! I look forward to being out of the house and walking all over. Pre-op I was a homebody.. now I'm an outdoor person. This was the best thing I ever did. So just hang in there and it will get much better. <p> Take Care, Be Well, Be Happy!
   — John T.

June 2, 2003
Lets see, you're eating WAY less than your body is accustomed to and it's gonna make you sluggish to avoid burning calories that it thinks it NEEDS. You're also getting in less fluid than pre-op (most likely) so your probably a bit dehydrated. You're also still recovering from major abdominal surgery. Give yourself a break and time hun. congrats on the 22 pounds!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 2, 2003
hi kelly, i to felt that way after surgey, i was out of it compleatly for about six weeks started feeling better by eight weeks and then the energy kicked in at about three months. now at 6 1/2 months i feel great and you will to. in the begining it took all i had to get my three kids off to school then i would take a three hour nap and pick up my kindergartener then lay in bed till it was time to pick up the other two. just try to walk a little so as not to get blood clots and rest plenty. take care, kimberly open distal rny 11/12/02 -95lbs
   — kimberly T.

June 3, 2003
You could have hibernation syndrome.
   — Marie R.

June 3, 2003
You've just had major abdominal surgery and you're eating next to nothing. How could you NOT be tired? I believe it was around 9 weeks that I was finally feeling "normal".
   — mom2jtx3

June 3, 2003
It could be a number of things that is making you tired. I did the same thing at 6 weeks post op. It is like you have walked a hundred miles and you legs are so weak- even though you only walked to the car or up a few stairs. I would recommend that you ask for some blood work. I was anemic- even though I WAS on iron in addition to my regular vitamins. I since have increased the iron supplement and am slowly feeling better. Check into it. Call you doctor. Good luck. Jan
   — Jan S.

June 3, 2003
One additional reason for your fatigue is your system is still metabolizing the anesthetic. It may take a few more weeks for it to completely metabolize. In a relatively short time, you will begin to feel stronger. For me, each day I felt twice as good as the day before. Even when you think you are feeling stronger, every once in a while, you will feel tired. It does get much better. There will be times very shortly; that you will have more energy then you will know what to do with. Good Luck!
   — Jonathan F.

June 3, 2003
Kelly, it's gets BETTER! Hang in there, this too shall pass..... Give yourself a chance to heal & don't be afraid to ask your Doctor a zillion questions if you think something is wrong..... Love, Karen
   — Karen H.

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