After consult on 6-18 with Dr. in Sedalia, MO-do I get my surgery date at that appt.?

I wasn't quite sure how the progression of consult and surgery date worked. After I see Dr. Hornbostel in Sedalia on the 18th of this month, will they at that time begin to determine my surgery date? If not, after appointment what is next step?    — Bonnie S. (posted on June 4, 2003)

June 4, 2003
Well...surgeon's are different but here's what's happening to me: First consult with PCP who referred me to surgeon. Second, met surgeons internist who ordered some tests. Thrid, met surgeon and he ordered more tests, Fourth had psych. eval and Five finish up more tests (keep in mind, I don't really have any co-morb's but constant pain and sleep apnea) Six (where I'm at now) waiting for my surgeon to apply for approval. Most of the time, you'll meet the surgeon his or her self and they'll schedule more tests and then maybe you'll get a date.
   — Renee B.

June 4, 2003
Bonnie, every doctor is different, but usually you won't get a surgery date until your insurance approval has been completed. If your insurance (or surgon) requires lots of tests and documentation before approvall, all that will normally have to be done before you will be given a date.
   — Amber L.

June 4, 2003
Hi Bonnie, Dr. Hornbostel did my surgery in december of 2002. At my consult with him, he went over EVERY detail of the surgery with me, that was on September 30, 2002. Then his office sent all my info to my insurance co for approval. It took my insurance co. 3 weeks to determine if I was qualified, after I got my letter of approval, the Dr's office set up my pre-op tests. That was Nov. 6 and my surgery date was set for December 17, 2002. Not a long wait then, but it sure seemed like an eternity to me. Hope this info helps.
   — Sheryl W.

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