11 Weeks Out.. Clothes Bigger, Weight The Same, What gives?

But my clothes are getting smaller? I have lost 42 pounds in 11 weeks. I went from a size 24 to a 16..I exersise 10 hours a week if not more.. I eat what I am supposed to and drink enough.. I love the fact that my clothes are going lower but why is my weight not? Im confused.. HELP    — Catherine B (posted on June 5, 2003)

June 5, 2003
I don't pretend to understand it, but I do know that when we are not losing weight, we are shrinking. It's the way it is.
   — joeandteri

June 5, 2003
Hi say that you are exercizing 10 or more hours a week. Well, muscle weighs more than our fat, so you are gaining muscle, which is good, and loosing fat. So, you may loose one or two sizes before you notice any differenc on the scale. Don't worry, if you are working that hard, you will do fine. Good luck....
   — Cindy P.

June 5, 2003
Hi Catherine, I have been going through the same thing over the last 9 weeks. I agree with the last post, you are probably losing the fat and keeping the lean muscle. I have lost 37lbs and I am down to a size 18 (not an 18W) from a size 24. I notice that when I hit a plateau, I get smaller. When the plateau is over I lose weight but my size doesn't change. Congrats on your weight loss and size loss!!! Best regards-
   — M B.

June 6, 2003
Other posters are basically right! However, a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle! (A pound!)The difference is that muscle is DENSER, so it takes up less space than fat. So, if you build dense muscle, while you burn fat, you can become smaller but stay the same weight! Also, you may retain some fluid, as your body tries to maintain itself - i.e., stay at the same weight. Then, after a few weeks, the body gives up the extra water, and your weight will drop a little.m (or a lot, if you are lucky!)
   — koogy

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