Where can I find a reasonable priced scale?

I need a scale that goes to 400 or 450. All the ones I have found are so expensive. Anyone found any at a good price?    — Trin2rilax Cheryl McCoy (posted on June 13, 2003)

June 13, 2003
I just got a new scale, and *love* it, I ordered it from (the one I bought is at it's a standup scale (like doctor's offices use), it's expensive, but for what you get, I thought it was reasonable. It's 210.00, and goes up to 400lbs. It came within a week of ordering it!
   — T T.

June 13, 2003
If you go to, click on morbid obesity, then click on support groups, then click on surgery support, there is a post about a scale for $25 plus $7.99 shipping that goes to 400 pounds.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 13, 2003
Hi there! I got a really good scale at Walmart for around $15 or $10. It is not digital, it has a numbered face. It "technically" only goes up to 320, but if you weigh more than 320 the needle just continues to go past 320 and you just have to do the math and add the pounds above 320 (it's marked in increments of 10 pounds so it's easy to just count the 10's). It also has little colored markers that slide around the face so you can mark where your weight is at for reference the next time you hop on!
   — beeda

June 13, 2003
Sorry, I meant $15 or $20, not 10. :)
   — beeda

June 14, 2003
I paid more than $300 for my scale that went to 500, trust me getting on a scale that says weight capacity 320 and thinking it'll weigh you correctly is a pipe dream. I did it and the scale said I was 375. When I actually bought my scale I was 500+++. The internet is the best way to find one, I bought mine a few years ago so they should be cheaper now.
   — Kimmie C.

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