Help! I don't want a body shock after surgery!

I am just in the beginning stages of insurance approval but I want to start incorporating Post-op diet changes into may diet now. You know, find out what tastes good and abosorbes best as opposed to nasty, gritty and are you sure this is supposed to in me and not come out me drink. I figure if I start taste testing and finding out what works best of all of you, then I can find something that works for me now, so I don't have to hassle post-op. Thank you so much in advance if you can help me. Peace, love and hope.    — Angela P. (posted on June 18, 2003)

June 18, 2003
Hey sister! :~) You are going to go through body shock no matter what you do. Expect it, get a grip on it now, and handle it then. Some things you might like the taste of now, will taste gross after surgery. You are smart to research, but be aware, your taste buds change dramatically after the surgery. I don't know why, but they do. I loved this one protien drink before surgery and after surgery I vomited it up constantly. I couldn't even stand the taste of it in my mouth!! Another protien drink I had before surgery that I thought was disgusting ended up to be the one I still drink, eighteen months later! :~) Do taste test before surgery with the realization that you might end up tossing it out after surgery. Just buy enough for one week at a time... or just one serving at a time... you will find that your taste buds will change constantly! :~) Good luck! :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

June 18, 2003
There have been so many instances of people saying that they liked food x pre-op and couldn't stand it post-op (and vice versa) that I wouldn't base any of your post-op diet (especially stuff like protein drinks or bars) on whether you like it pre-op...JR
   — John Rushton

June 19, 2003
Angela, as the others have said, don't waste your time. Your tastes will change post-op, especially the first month or two-sweet is too sweet, for example. Many cannot stomach protein drinks/shakes early on. So, I would suggest you get samples pre-op but don't bother trying them until post-op, and even if you try them early post-op and can't handle them, try them again in a few months and you may find your tastes have changed.
   — Cindy R.

June 19, 2003
I just wanted to say my tastes did not change after surgery. I like what I liked before, just proves that everyone is very diffrent. I agree with the other posters though get samples of protein drinks and do start taking them now, it will help you heal. Good luck.
   — Marcy S.

June 19, 2003
I'm one whose tastes changed drastically - all those protein drinks and bars I taste tested turned out the be a HUGE waste of time and money. Lots of people can no longer tolerate the same things post-op and find htey taste very different to them. While I didn't get lactose intolerant like many people do, I did develop a fat intolerance - for the first 6 months anything with more than 7-8 grams of fat gave me major diarrhea. I also found that almost everything tasted way too sweet for me, especially the flavored sf waters like propel, etc. So, if you do decide to taste test now, just don't stock way up on things in advance...
   — Melissa F.

June 19, 2003
I am lucky that my tastes don't seem to have changed drastically since before surgery. I still like the protein powder I used before surgery (Sci-Fit). The only difference now is that I prefer it mixed with water, whereas before I hated it that way and could only tolerate it mixed with milk . At any rate, if you don't have something you already like, don't waste you money trying stuff pre-op.
   — koogy

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