Can laughing too hard cause one to herniate oneself when still a fresh post-op?

Ok, ya'll know I have a sense of humor. It runs in the family, and I'm staying with my sister right now. Needless to say, we do a lot of laughing. :) Yesterday at one point I was laughing so hard that tears were rolling and I had both hands firmly planted over my incision, and omg, it HURT so bad, but I couldn't stop! I'm 8 days post-op, and the situation got me wondering ... is it possible to get a hernia from laughing? I don't think I did, lol, but I was just curious as to whether it was possible or not?    — Dragon G. (posted on June 19, 2003)

June 18, 2003
Yes I heard that can occur. Laughing, coughing and othewr activities. Enjoy yourself but take it easy.
   — bob-haller

June 18, 2003
Hi...if you're worried about it, maybe you could carry a small pillow with you to cover, or hold your stomach with your hand when you laugh...kinda like (for me anyway) when I was in the hospital and had to cough, I used the pillow for family does alot of laughing too, and I think it's great! Good luck to you ~ Denise 316/153
   — lily1968

June 19, 2003
It sure can. I'm a giggler and love humor, so I hear you! :~) You'd have to laugh just right, at the right amount, etc. to herniate though. Don't worry about it, but try to keep it down to a minimum for a few more weeks! :~) Easier said than done, believe me, I KNOW! :~) LOL! Hugs!
   — Sharon M. B.

June 19, 2003
So funny you asked this question!!! I asked my surgeon the same thing on Tuesday. I'm 2 weeks post op and mom has been staying with me...well she just cracks me UP!!! I was so scared I was gonna burst my incisions! My surgeon said it's not too likely....but he wasn't hanging with my moms..LOL I think the laughing will help heal us faster!! Best wishes, and keep on laughing...aims
   — chickiewickie

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