should a lightweight try to loose weight before surgery?

I am 237 pounds now and have been taking vitamins and protein shakes in anticipation of an early July surgery date. I am also exercising and trying to get in water on a regular basis. At this point, would trying to loose weight help or hurt my WLS?    — tigerpaws (posted on June 22, 2003)

June 22, 2003
My surgeon requires a 15 lbs weight loss, and even if it takes me under my 40 BMI they go by what your BMI was in the begining. I have lost the 15 plus 5 more. But i think it will just help in the long run. Plus i am working out to help with the toning of my body. So no i dont thin it will hurt to loose a few pounds.
   — Debi Rouilliard

June 22, 2003
You should wait until you have your consult. That is the weight the insurance companies go by. My surgeon put me on a diet just to maintain and not gain anymore.
   — Delores S.

June 22, 2003
Let me clarify that I have already had my first consult and waiting for insurance approval. My second consult is 7/2/03.
   — tigerpaws

June 22, 2003
I would check with your surgeon and/or insurance first. My BMI is 40.1 and have been approved by insurance. My surgeon advised me against losing any weight prior to surgery to ensure that my insurance company does not have a change of heart at the last minute and deny coverage.
   — Tracy G.

June 22, 2003
I had a BMI of 39, but after my consult my doctor told me to try and lose weight. He said my consult weight is what would be submitted to the insurance company for approval. I lost about 9 lbs. before the surgery and the insurance company approved me without much problem.
   — D. Bell

June 22, 2003
Definitely check with your doctor. Although some doctors only care what you weigh at consultation, some feel it is unethical to operate on anyone below 40 and will not do it if you are below on the day of surgery (unless you had such significant comords that you would have qualified anyway). This almost happened to me. I listened to people who said that the doctor didn't care once you had your consultation but mine did care. Make sure you know what your drs opinion is on this.
   — susanje

June 22, 2003
I had a BMI of 42 at the first consultation, then lost weight before my pre-op tests to the point where my BMI was 40 *on the nose*. My doc told me to quit losing weight, or I'd risk not having insurance cover the operation. So, I didn't lose any more weight (though I did keep up with my exercise). Definitely check with your doc on this one.
   — Suzy C.

June 22, 2003
I started my journey at 237lbs.My height is 5ft..I lost 16 lbs before my surgery date of February 26th this year.I went into surgery weighing 226lbs..I am now at 185lbs.
   — Sue T.

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