What are the statistics for long term post-ops for SLD?

I had my WLS 2 years ago (maintaining 120lb loss-but always hungry) and am obsessing about stretching my pouch due to staple line disruption. Does anyone know the statistics for that. I know now that many drs. are doing the transected version. Does anyone know the statistics for pouch stretching with the transected version. Are you less hungry with a transected pouch? My dr. now does lap transected WLS but not when I had it done. I am very concerned that I may run into SLD problems. Any advice????    — Donna B. (posted on July 3, 2003)

July 3, 2003
Its a low but troublesome number. Try not to worry and remember if you eventually disrupt surgery at your current lower weight will be much easier. Someone said 5% but I dont know if thats accurate. In any case its a small risk.
   — bob-haller

July 3, 2003
I've heard stats ranging from three to ten percent. Geez, I wish we had some links to actual studies and articles on this site, as we all have so many questions (oft-repeated) with no definitive information, just lots of opinions....
   — Suzy C.

July 3, 2003
Hi. I am 18 months out and had the same question. I was told by my pcp that SLD becomes more and more rare the farther and farther out you are. Your stomach only stretches so far and that is it. People regain their weight by eating constantly and eating high carb foods like cakes, etc. As long as you maintain your proper nutritional needs for your body, you don't need to obsess... why are you always hungry? What do you eat? I might be able to help you with that... I went through a phase similar to what you might be going through now, and it takes a lot of mental power to get past it, but you can! Email me and we can talk, okay! :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

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