Can't do crunches

Any ideas for exercising the abdominal muscles? I have lower back problems and can't do crunches.<BR> Thanks in advance.    — TMF (posted on July 3, 2003)

July 4, 2003
Have you tried pilates? It is great to help strengthen back muscles as well as abs and can be modified to avoid any areas that are injured. You might see if there is anyone who teaches in your area as I think they would be more helpful than a video. Good luck!
   — Mindy R.

July 4, 2003
THis is what I do. Sit in a chair with your back firmly pressed against the back of the chair. Tuck your hands under your legs, and raise them as far up as you can (don't bend them), and hold. Slowly lower until they are about a foot from the ground. Hold for a few seconds, and then lower all the way to the floor. Repeat several times.
   — mellyhudel

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