How long does it take?

How long does it take to get pictures up on your site after you scanned them and sent them in?    — Trin2rilax Cheryl McCoy (posted on July 8, 2003)

July 8, 2003
i am one of the many volunteers that help kricket with the photos. when i last spoke to kricket she had well over 600 photos waiting to be posted. the pics we receive from you that are already scanned have to be 'prepared' for posting before kricket gets them. depending on how many pics we have to prepare for your profile, it can be immediately done & sent to kricket or it can take a few days before we are ready to send them to her. we all know how impatient everyone is to see their pics posted & believe me when i tell you that we do our best to get it done as quickly as possible, but, we want your pics to be at their best. please have patience & when your pic is posted to your profile, kricket will notify you by email. thanks.
   — sheryl titone

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