I am almost two years post-op

20 months to be exact, anyway I can still only eat one small size hamburger and a few fries, I can still only eat 1/2 an sandwich, I get full very quickly , this is just some of the solid foods I can eat without throwing up. Is this still normal at almost two years out. Started at 310 now 160 20 pounds from goals. The only thing that I can have that don't bother me is crabs and lobster and liquids but I feel fine. What do you think is this normal or should I be eating more, oh yeah I can only eat once a day because I am full all day, I do drink my proteins in the morning but lunch is all I have, no dinner. Thanks guys.    — Rebe W. (posted on July 8, 2003)

July 8, 2003
Hi, I am 11 months post op and still throw up about every couple of weeks, sometimes more. Who knows why and sometimes I feel extremely sick after eating anything. Again, who knows why. I think you should be eating more though, for your own nutrition. 212/114.5/108
   — TP

July 8, 2003
i am 19 months post op & cant eat more than 3 oz at a time. sometimes i cant even manage that. it depends on what i am eating. i have a silastic ring on my pouch which regulates the flow of food (makes it take longer) & im sure thats why i cant eat any more than 3 oz. i am so happy my surgeon uses the ring on his patients. i dont WANT to be able to eat anymore than i can.
   — sheryl titone

July 8, 2003
I'm about 20 months out and eat a LOT more then you do. I have never been able to throw up since about a week after surgery (just doesn't have any "lift" to make it up). I probably eat about 2000 calories a day easily and have for about 3 to 4 months.
   — Patty H.

July 9, 2003
Rebe, I don't think its normal to feel full all day from one meal. Perhaps you have a partial stricture? I am 17 months post-op and can eat about the same amount as you per meal and also get full quickly-its that intact pouch working, but I do get hungry again in a few hours. I'm sure you know that its better for us to eat more frequently and that unless your using protein supplements, that one meal is not providing you with enough nutrition for the entire day. Go to your surgeon and get it checked out.
   — Cindy R.

July 9, 2003
I am 21 mos post op and I eat about the same amount as what you have mentioned above, however I eat 3 meals each day. Look at WHAT you are eating. You say you can eat lobser and crab and not have problems, but the hamburger or the sandwich does. That just screams BREAD. I can eat more of my meal if I dont eat the bread. I do not usually have problems with bread, but it definately limits the amount of the rest of the meal. I just try to avoid it. Anyway...just my 2 cents.
   — RebeccaP

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