What could this be?

I am pre-op but am concerned about what this could be, when I get up out of a chair sometimes-on my left side, under my ribs-feels like a fist twisting up inside-and forces me to sit back down until the "grip" subsides. What could this be? I am so afraid whatever this is could prevent me from having lap surgery. I have my gallbladder removed years ago(right side)...thanks    — doit 2. (posted on July 11, 2003)

July 11, 2003
I had that problem at about 2 1/2 weeks post op. My dr. told me that they put one big stitch in my muscle and that the stitch was probably poking into a nerve. It hurt to sit up, lay down, basically move unless I held my gut up when I walked. Put heat on the site and keep it there as long as you can stand it. Heat helps promote circulation and will disolve the stitch faster. I had pain for 2 weeks and it finally went away.
   — cinthygrady

July 11, 2003
I'm sorry. I didn't know you are a pre-op. I thought you had surgery. I guess I should have read the rest of your question.
   — cinthygrady

July 11, 2003
Hi PJ, I am post-op now but I had the same kind of pain you are talking about before I had surgery done. I went ot the doctor and they said it was called costochondritis, which is an inflammation of the rib cartilidge and it is underneath your breast bone area too. It is nothing serious to worry about and he gave me some antiinflammitories to help out with the pain. I am not for sure what causes it, but it can be painful at times, also if you take some IB profin or extra stregnth tylenol, that will help with the inflammation. And, no this didn't stop me from having my lap rny surgery done 5 mths. ago so I think you will be okay. You can also ask your doc to make suer that is what it is that is causing you pain there, and most likely that is the prob. Also, you can look up the word costochondritis on yahoo and it will give you a medical def. on what it is too, but it isn't nothing serious. Heck I sometimes still have pain there, it could go away and may come back off and on, nothing though alittle asprin won't take care of. Just be careful and don't strain yourself alot in one day, cuz that could cause the inflammation there. Good Luck to you and I hope this info helps!
   — Melodee S.

July 11, 2003
PJ, I am also pre-op, 26 days until surgery, a little while back I was having pains in my right side, I still have my gallbladder, but my pcp did not think it was a gallballer, so he ordered a CT, see my profile, to shorten this story it was my liver, in was enlarged. I had to get off some of my medications that was causing swelling, and go on lazix;s and potatasum supplements to flush my liver. My test show my liver emizimes fine now, but if it is your liver, that will cancel your surgery. I suggest you call your pcp and have a blood test done to see what your TSH levels are. The TSH is a liver test, and i do not know how soon your surgery is, but maybe more tests, please read my profile and see if the pain is somewhat the same as I had. I just re-read your sentence, you said the left side, maybe you have a kidney infection, I am no doctor but I would diffenetly call my pcp and have a few tests done, it is probley nothing that can be taken care of, good luck.
   — cindy

July 11, 2003
Cindy, the TSH stands for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. It checks your thyroid function. Although there are a ton of tests they can run to check your liver I believe you might be thinking of the TSP (Total Serum Protein) which is done to assess liver functions.
   — Shelly S.

July 11, 2003
Hi, I also had problems with costochondritis, it was across my sternum and a little to the left. My doctor was surprised that my Vioxx wasn't helping it, so she had me get off the Vioxx for a week and take a steroidal anti-inflammatory. I felt better the next day, and within a couple days it was completely gone. I also sometimes get a pain after I've been sitting in a certain position for so long; especially when I've been slouching and don't realize it. I go to straighten up and get a sharp, stabbing pain in/around the ribcage area. The doctor told me it's just a muscle spasm. Now I know why Mom was always on us to "sit up straight!"
   — Moysa B.

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