I'm having extreme pain in tummy,can't go to the bathroom

I had surgery 2 1/2 years ago and everything was fine the first year then all of a sudden I started getting massive bloating and gas whenever I ate,it started about a year ago.The pain gets so severe and uncomfortable that I just stay home. I assumed it would go away without going to doc. I go poop about every 8 days or so.either difficult to go or it is diahrea Iv'e changed my diet,drink a gallon of water a day,tried MOM,a whole bottle at a time. 7 laxatives at once and still nothing. I went to the doc finally and had a cat done. There was no blockage but I was extremely backed up...suprise! He told me to take alot of laxatives for about a week and then go on MOM 4 oz every day. I do not think I am able to be cleaned out this way considering how long Iv'e been this way.Please help. It has taken control of my life. I'm afraid to go anywhere,or spend the night out because I always end up in pain.    — Vel K. (posted on July 15, 2003)

July 14, 2003
My surgeon has me on a regular routine of GrapeNuts and grape juice to prevent constipation. Grapenuts for the fiber and the grape juice is a natural laxative. Then if I go two days without a bowel movement I start taking Miralax - an osmosis agent that he prescribed. I would suggest now that you get several bottles of Magneseum Citrate and drink the nasty stuff to get you cleaned out. Start with one bottle and if that doesn't do it, do another the next day. That is the laxative my surgeon has us use before surgery. Then once you get cleaned out, add fiber to your diet and try to prevent this from happening again. My surgeon says we should never go more than two days without a bowel movement. Best of luck to you.
   — Patty_Butler

July 14, 2003
Constipations can kick butt. LOL. Oh how I do remember. what I do now is every week I make it a point to drink a cup of prune juice twice a week. This works for me. and I don't have to take medicine for my constipations.
   — Naes Wls J.

July 15, 2003
I went a full week and a half without a BM once so I know how you feel. Nothing worked (MOM, laxatives,enemas,ect) to get it moving until I drank the Magneseum Citrate. It took almost 16 hours to start moving but it did finally. I get my fiber from oatmeal, fresh fruits and veggies but I guess I need more help than the food can give me. I cant drink juice and most cereals have too much sugar so I take 2-3 Colace pills a day. If I skip even 1 day it's stop up city big time. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 100+ and counting
   — Siddy I.

July 15, 2003
Boy do I know how you feel! Constipation is the only lasting side effect from WLS that I've had - and it's a miserable one! I used every remedy on earth and it would work for a little while then that would be the end of that. I had seen people recommend Smooth Moves tea on here many times and never tried it. I thought it would be just like every other product. Finally I happened to see it in the grocery store by chance (with the herbal teas and organic foods). I bought a box and had a cup that night. It doesn't taste that great but is tolerable with Splenda or Equal. It worked like a charm and now I have a cup every other evening or so and more constipation! If only I'd tried it a year ago! Hope it works for you too!
   — ronascott

July 15, 2003
To add my 2 cents worth on this subject...I've had bowel problems all my life (multiple 1st/2nd degree relatives with colon CA) and have always had a lot of bloating/constipation/followed by extreme cases of diarrhea. I've come to the conclusion that I must have the constipated form of Irritable Bowel Syndrome - having had Open RNY 12/02 - I still have bowel problems that really haven't changed or gotten any worse. I've taken everything - being a nurse, believe me, I've done everything to correct the constipation problem. Women tend to have the constipated form of IBS more than men (I just went to a lecture by a gastroenterologist last week on this subject). Ask your doctor about constipated IBS and see what he/she says. Good luck.
   — Debra L. H.

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