I stepped on the scales and had gained 2 pounds!

I am 9 weeks out today and down 41 pounds than I have this gain. Should I expect that as water retention that "week of the month"? Do others have this? Also, my energy is sapped this week. I'm taking iron but do others have their periods really bring your energy level down. I have to mow the grass tonight and I don't think I can make it up the stairs to change! Thanks!    — Sharon B. (posted on July 16, 2003)

July 16, 2003
Many people go through the +/-2lb cycle, some people +/- even more, especially women, and especially during your period. If you check the Q&A archives you will find many posts on this topic. As for energy, alot of things can zap your engery including your period. Lack of potassium also can affect this. When my energy was zapped, I started having 8oz of low-sodium V8 now and then and my energy picked right up. When you drink alot of water, you lose potassium. By the way congrats on the 41lb loss!!!!
   — M B.

July 17, 2003
It is so ironic that you ask this now. I also feel MAJOR zapped. I am doing my shakes, I figure it is iron. I am going to eat liver for lunch and decided that I from now on (I am 9weeks out too) going to start from the beginning loading up on iron rich foods. I do NOT want to start taking supps, I've heard they are rough on the stomach. So lots of spinach and liver today. There are other good sources too, sunflower seeds for one.
   — Michelle A.

July 17, 2003
Check the amount of carbs you are having. Excessive carbs will cause you to retain water and zap your energy. (Does it to me!)
   — koogy

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