I'm post-op, will I gain weight from Prednisone?

The doctor just put me back on Prednisone. I haven't taken in 10 years or more and have refused it in the past because of the weight gain. The other day I had a very hard time breathing and had to go in for breathing treatment and she said I really need to take the Prednisone over the next 21 days. She doen't think I'll gain weight but I'm not so sure. I almost 8 months post-op and am really losing good in the past few weeks and I don't want to blow it. Have you taken it short term and gained?    — jocelyn (posted on July 27, 2003)

July 27, 2003
Hi - I've taken it short term and didn't gain anything. My weight loss slowed a bit during that time. I dread going back on that drug.... preop I gained tons of weight! I hope you feel better soon!
   — teresa M.

July 27, 2003
When I was 6mos pregnant I had pneumonia and was in the hospital for a week, and on steroids. I went from in the 160s at @6mos pg. to over 200 in @a month. Drs said that it was not related to the steroids. But you know as well as I do, that you get that moon face and hold water. It tore my stomach up as well. I know, though, the tough decision you're having to make. I said I'd never take it again..that I'd rather suffocate. But if it came right down to it, I'm sure I'd take it!
   — kathy B.

July 27, 2003
I took Prednisone for a week pre-op and gained ten pounds. I couldn't imagine taking it for 21 days. I'd ask the doctor about an alternative. That's a very powerful drug ... I'd be careful.
   — PEARL B.

July 27, 2003
OMG!!! I am so greatful to you for this post. I just finished a weeks treatment w/prednisone for a bad allergic reaction to sand flea bites. Well low and behold I have experienced a whoppin 8 lb weight gain this week. I was eating uncontrollably it really scared me. Never will allow then to give me that again.
   — SARose61

July 28, 2003
Over the years I been given prednisone many times and it only take two days for me to gain weight as it makes me want to eat constantly. Luckely I seam to tolerate inhaled steriods pretty (Flovent). The doctor keep telling me that prednisone only have that effect on long term use but I have found that not to be true. Everytime I been taking them I have also felt like a zoombie. Hugs and I hope you will feel better soon!!
   — Tove Annelise H.

July 28, 2003
Well I guess I am just the exception to the rule then. I've been given 21 pills of prednisone last week and have LOST another 5 pounds while taking it!!! And I am trying NOT to lose anymore!! But while I do not know why it does not seem to be affecting me at all, I do know from experience with my sick child that yes taking it long term does give you that moon face and also a "buffalo hump" too. My doctor told me that since it was a short term treatment not to worry about it. I guess you just have to weigh the pro's and con's of it and do what is best by you. Good luck!
   — Lori M.

July 28, 2003
Even if you do it's usually fluid gain which will go away after you quit. If they want you on it long term then I would be researching what other options you have.
   — zoedogcbr

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