Do you ever dump/eat too much....?

I had surgery 3/13/02 (loss of 118 so far). I am a sloooow loser, however, my question is about dumping... sometimes I dump on things I have eaten many times before with now effects, has anyone else done this? Also, there are times I can eat ALOT (at least in my opinion) and other times I can't eat very much... does anyone else experience this too? (However, I don't eat as much as before... no where near). I also experience getting hungry within 2 hours of eating and feeling VERY full... is this normal? HELP please, I want to loose another 35 lbs. thanks!    — Kay W. (posted on August 4, 2003)

August 4, 2003
Hi there. I had RNY 9 1/2 months ago (down 114, 60 to go) and have had protein bars many times. This morning I had an Atkins Smores and I definitely dumped on it here at the office! Thankfully it was a mild, feeling funny kind of dumping. About the times you can eat a lot or not - I just started working out harder about 2 weeks ago. I went from playing tennis for an hour 6 times a week to going to the gym and I noticed an increase in my appetite. I was able to eat my 1/2 c of cottage cheese and 3 strawberries and an entire protein bar last week for breakfast (over 1/2 hour). I was freaking out and I called my surgeon who said it is normal to have hungry days. I don't quite understand the last part of your question, but when I start feeling hungry, I fill up on water. I only feel very full if I've overeaten or eaten too fast. Hope this helps.
   — Yolanda J.

August 4, 2003
I had surgery Sept 3rd 02. I was 260 now down to 148. I don't think I have ever dumped so I can't answer that one. I do worry that I can eat too much, like you not as much as before. I also worry that I get hungry about two hours after a meal, also, I'm hungry after I drink. I do try to tell myself that the weight is still coming off, more slowly now, so we must be doing ok. I can't eat a whole Carb solution bar, makes me feel wierd (maybe this is my way of dumping?) But, I just love Balance bars and have these for snax when I'm busy. This hasn't been much help! Good luck!
   — Tinadelve

August 4, 2003
been there, done that...doing that! I agree with the last poster...we're just weird now lol
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 4, 2003
Of course nearly all of us do.
   — Delores S.

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