Aaarrghh......frustrated with dr's office

I am 6 days post-op. Before I left work, my boss told me to fill out the FMLA forms before I went, but that my short term disability forms didn't need to be turned in until my sick time was ready to run out. That will be this Friday. So I am getting my papers all filled out by the Dr's office and the rep there tells me that they will only authorize 2 weeks of sick time, counting the day before surgery because of the bowel prep. She said that the short term disability goes into effect before my sick days are used. So, basically, I'm screwed out of short term disability, right? Because I didn't get the papers turned in on time. Also, by her calculations, their 2 week approval is over on the 12th, so they are expecting me to go back to work on that day. I don't even get my staples out until the 15th, plus I'm on a 14 day swish and swallow antibiotic for thrush and am giving myself heparin shots 3 times a day until the 14th. I'm so stressed out about this, I told my bosses that I would be off for 5 weeks, but the Dr's office won't authorize that long. I won't even be off the clear liquid diet before they expect me to go back to work. Is this standard procedure, or is this woman at the Dr's office just not paying attention to when my next visit is and such???? Help??    — Jen D. (posted on August 5, 2003)

August 5, 2003
<font color="007000" face="tahoma">Jen... first of all, your Dr's office has nothing to do with determining how your short term disability works with your company (unless you work at the Dr's office). <br>Talk to your Surgeon, explain to him that you would like to have 5 weeks off of work, and that you have already arranged this, that all you need him to do is agree and sign the paperwork. When I filled out my STD, I completed most of it, and told my Dr when I wanted to return to work, all he had to do was fill in the codes and sign it. <P>The best thing to do is talk to Dr Office and explain your situation and what you want/need. <br>Good Luck!!<I>~~Wendy D, Post Op 4/23/03 RNY, -79lbs~~</I></font>
   — Wendy D P.

August 5, 2003
Hi, just a thought. My surgeon gave me clearance to return to work, but if my PCP didn't agree with him, the PCP would have authorized more time off from work. If you don't get satisfaction from your surgeon, try your PCP. Good luck.
   — Chris S.

August 5, 2003
Unless you work for a small company, less than 100 employees, legally you are allowed 12 weeks off under FMLA - whether it is paid or not depends on your company. The office staff and nursing staff at your surgeon's office cannot determine the amount of time off - ONLY A PHYSICIAN. See your surgeon, explain it to him and get your paperwork signed by him. Even if it's "late" your company can retroactively change your "work status" i.e. sick time, short term disability - whatever you have available. You cannont be penalized because your surgeon's office is screwing up your paperwork. You can also have your Primary Physician fill out the paperwork. My surgeon generally releases his patient's after six weeks, that's usually when the liquid diet ends and soft food begin - NO WAY am I going to try a diet change and go back to work. My Primary Physician is going to keep me off another 6 weeks or more if I feel like I need it to get myself well on my way in this new eating pattern and life style. Good Luck to you and stick to your guns!
   — Deborah F.

August 6, 2003
My two cent's are, two weeks is pretty short. My Dr.'s office only allowed 3 weeks off for lap (I have a sit down job.) The front office staff was very adamit about this, but I'm sure I could have talked to the Dr. for a longer period of time. Three weeks was really all that I needed. Second, I had a 7 day wait before my short term disability would pay, thus I only had to use 7 of my vacation days. Check your short term disablilty policy for your policy terms. Also, your short term disability policy as well as your FMLA may have terms and limits as to how long you can be off and how long short term will pay you to be off for a sucsessfull surgery without complications. Just talk with your short term disability provider and your FMLA representative, they should be able to tell you the maximum amount of time you can take without complications. Best wishes, Heather 3/12/03 280/186/130
   — Heather S.

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