For The Ladies: What is it about this surgery that causes irregular periods?

I know it is not uncommon for women to start their period immediately after surgery, miss a few or even have them a lot heavier than before surgery. I missed mine last month. (I am five months post-op) Now I have one, but I am on my 11th day. I have NEVER had a period last longer than four days. I called my surgeon's office and the nurse had no clue. Acted as if she had never heard of such. Does anyone know WHY this happens and if it is a possibility that they will be irregular from now on? Thanks!! Debbie    — Debbie M. (posted on August 19, 2003)

August 19, 2003
I have had irregular periods since I had surgery too. I got really lucky and have leaky boobs too. LOL!! PCP has done a ton of tests and she doesnt have a clue why my periods and my boobs are screwed up. Rapid weight loss?? Stress from surgery?? Oh well.....things can always be perfect can they?? LOL!!
   — S A.

August 19, 2003
My surgery was 5/6/03 and I started my period while in the hospital. Then in June I had 2 periods, but they have been regular ever since. My surgeon said it is a normal occurrence for them to be irregular after surgery and he said to talk to my gynecologist if it continued. So you may want to go that route. Good luck.
   — Dawn P.

August 19, 2003
I also started my period in the Hospital after surgery, poor nurse LOL. I am actually one who has had female problems since I was 9 and I had abnormal/painful periods, repeated cycts on my overies and repeated endometriosis and since my surgery they are pretty much normal and I have minimal cramps(no traces of cysts ect.). They last 3 days. I was told that the Surgery has no effect on our periods, but now I question that one. Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

August 19, 2003
Hmmm... since my WLS, for the first time in my life, you gets set a clock by me, I am so regular. Only used to be twice/year or so... those days are LONG gone. Totally normal now. I would see a gynocologist if I were you.
   — kultgirl

August 19, 2003
Estrogen is stored in fat, and as we lose the weight, estrogen is released from the fat into our system and reeks havoc on our monthly cycles. My doctor told me ithat because of this, I had to be on some type of birth control if I was sexually active. The surge of estrogen causes you to ovulate more often, thus making you "fertile myrtle" for about the first year after surgery, or until the weightloss stablizes. He asked me to wait at least 18 months after surgery before becoming pregnant...Good luck! Denise 316/158
   — lily1968

August 19, 2003
I'm not sure on all the medical reasons, my mom is the nurse in the family. I can however, share with you my experience. My period which was always regular, decided to just stop one day last year. That lasted for about 6-7 months (no period at all). I attribute it to STRESSS. I was under my doctor's care and neither he nor I wanted to induce it with BC pills, or any pills for that matter. I wanted my body to adjust naturally. And it did... My period arrived one day.. Crazy heavy and LONG! Then was normal for a few months (4 days long)..then stopped again. Now at 2 months post-op it's getting back to normal. My cramps are bad, espeically since I don't use Mortin/Ibuprofen any more.. but I'm surviving just fine! I hope this helps... Best wishes, Aims
   — chickiewickie

August 19, 2003
Hi Debbie, I am about 9 mos post and have had terrible periods ever since my surgery in Nov. I went to the gynecologist. She did inform me that until my wt stabalized, my periods would be irregular due to the estrogen and fat cells everyone has talked about. For the first 6-7 mos. post op- I had a period every two weeks and they each lasted about 6 days. They are starting to get better now. My first period of the month only last about 2 days and the second is still 6. I am on the patch and that has helped some. Hope yours gets worked out.
   — kandi S.

August 19, 2003
For me, I had irregular periods the first couple of months after surgery, then after that they became regular and have stayed regular ever since. Its the first time in my life that they have been regular (Iam 7 months postop). They are just as heavy though, that part hasnt changed. It's like one poster said, as we lose the fat the estrogen is released into our systems. Stress will wreak havoc with our periods too. Just to be sure that there isnt some other cause why your periods are irregular, Id go see the ob/gyn, just in case. Good Luck!
   — Kris T.

August 19, 2003
I guess I am the opposite, I never once had a regular cycle before having surgery, and I have been like clockwork ever since.
   — sheri H.

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