MSG Intensified?

Has anyone noticed their MSG intolerance intensify since surgery? I have had problems since about 3 weeks after surgery and was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with an ulcer at the connection of the tummy and the intestine and have been given ulcer meds for it. I eat only soft foods as anything else will not pass through the opening at this point. But I have found that I get bad runs and upset stomach with some of my soups and broths. I am having more tests run, but today it dawned on me to check some of the labels and indeed they contain MSG. It would be a relief to know if anyone else became this sensitive to MSG and the abstinance cleared the problem up. I am 3 months post op and so discouraged I can hardly see straight! ANY support would be GREATLY appreciated.    — J G. (posted on August 20, 2003)

August 20, 2003
I definitely have developed a problem with MSG. Even though I ordered Chinese food without it, I think that it was put in anyway. My daughter is also sensitive, and we both got sick from it. My daughter especially ended up with the runs and chills from it. I have read on the message board in the past that several people noted that they felt bad if they had MSG. You could definitely be on to the solution. Good Luck and I hope your ulcer feels better real soon! God Bless!
   — Gerry Y.

August 20, 2003
YEP~! MSG intolerant is a great way to describe me. Itended to get bad headaches from it before surgery. Now, if it's been within a mile of MSG, I can't eat it. I get violently ill 'at both ends'. I cant eat chineese food at all. They may not add MSG, but many vegetables and ingrediaents they use (sauces, etc) have MSG in them anyway. I really miss chineese food! Oh well, I like being 'skinny' better than chineese food anyway.

August 20, 2003
I'm not sure if its the MSG, but I can't tolerate Chinese or Japanese types of foods anymore. It makes me nauseous/sick. I thought it may be the soy or teriyaki and have avoided all foods with those sauces, but could be the MSG. Your only 3 months post-op though. Many things that bother you in the beginning will not as you get further out.
   — Cindy R.

August 20, 2003
I can't tolerate any Chinese/Japanese foods either. I have been sick for hours after eating 2-3 bites. I used to love eating this style of cooking but after 5 incidents at various more for me!
   — Laurie K.

August 20, 2003
I had no MSG problem pre-op, but had a bad dumping experience the first time I tried Chinese food post-op. In addition to dumping, I also had a rash surrounding my eyes, which made me suspect the MSG. I didn't have any Chinese food for several months and now, at 7 mos. post-op., I seem to be over it.
   — barbdeane

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