Why are we not to drink 30 minutes before eating?

I'm 8 weeks out with 38 lbs gone forever! But, I can't seem to make sense of the no drinking before meals. I was told that my stomach was like a bucket with a small hole in the bottom. If this is true wouldn't all the liquid be gone if I were to eat 5 or 10 minutes later? I only take sips so it's not like I'm overloading on liquids anyway. Please help me understand, thanks!    — Shelly R. (posted on September 4, 2003)

September 4, 2003
You are absolutely right. My surgeon at BTC says do not drink 5 minutes before or 30 minutes after eating.
   — Stacie B.

September 4, 2003
As you get further out, you can probably shrink that time frame down from 30 minutes to 5 or 10. But, I'm thinking you're better off to leave it closer to 30 minutes early on (the first four to six months, maybe) because your new plumbing is still learning to work together, and liquid may not be leaking through a healing stoma as quickly as itpasses through one that is completely healed over. I have no scientific basis for this advice, it just seems to make sense to me.
   — Vespa R.

September 4, 2003
Hi!! The reasoning behind waiting thirty minutes before you eat right now, as early out as you are, in to get you into the habit for when you are further out... Your analogy of the bucket with a small hole is very accurate... the water doesn't all drain out at once, it is a slow leak... when you drink, your tummy does fill with liquid, and drains slowly. If you were to drink a 1/2 cup of water it doesn't just run right out. It sits there and trickles out. If you were to put food in on top of that, the food will mix with the water and trickle out with it and you don't feel full for very long. If you eat on a completely empty stomach, which 30 minutes gives you plenty of time for the stomach to empty, your food stays in the pouch longer and you feel full for a longer period of time. As you get further out, you are able to eat/drink more and need that tummy to stay feeling full longer because you CAN eat/drink more!! Waiting for thirty minutes gives your tummy time to rethink your food choices, too! :~) Also, we are so conditioned to drink after eating that waiting at least thirty minutes gives our tummies that hold the food time, but also makes us realize how important drinking really is! :~) So, it is worth it!! Oh, yeah... when I drink too soon my stomach just KILLS me... it tries to push that food out with the liquid, and that food isn't ready to leave yet... and it gets PAINFUL! You will end up drinking too soon one of these days and find out, I'm sure! LOL!! It has taken me 20 months to get to the point where I can drink at 30 minutes after eating... I used to have to wait an hour to an hour and a half!!! Does this help at all??
   — Sharon m. B.

September 5, 2003
Btc also say no drinking 5 min before or 30 min after eating
   — **willow**

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