Would Hypoglycemia be a co-morbidity that I could list that would help me?

I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia instead of diabetes. Will this be something that could possibly help? Would it be a good "co-morbidity"? Or would it be bad to list this in my next letter to the insurance company (third).    — Bonnie S. (posted on September 5, 2003)

September 5, 2003
List EVERYTHING you can think of: Creaky knees, incontinence, heavy periods, fatigue . . . Everything! Most everything ties back one way or another to obesity. The good news is that WLS will make most of it go away!
   — ctyst

September 5, 2003
Hi, Bonnie: I would definitely list hypoglycemia, as it is often a precursor to diabetes. I too have hypoglycemia, as well as hyperglycemia (in case you're wondering, sugar makes my blood sugar skyrocket, and then plummet, thus indicating I have hyper AND hypoglycemia), and a family history of diabetes on my mom's side, so I definitely listed it. Good luck; third time's a charm :)
   — Moysa B.

September 6, 2003
hiya~ i have an extensive list of co-morbidites on my website. check it out at: it's in the files section... good luck, kate
   — jkb

September 6, 2003
Simply put: all blood sugar issues are comorbidities. Good luck!
   — Deborah M.

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