If water passes right threw the pouch

Then how come we are suppose to wait 15 to 30 mins after we drink it b-4 we can eat? I have always done this cause it was what i was told, Just dont under stand it Also i know we are suppose to wait at least 30 mins after we eat b-4 we drink so it does not wash out our food to fast.    — wildbrat (posted on September 6, 2003)

September 5, 2003
The pouch itself isn't the main concern, other than you don't want to push your food through the pouch too fast or put pressure on top of the food.(uncomfortable) You don't want to push your food (or vitamins) through the system with water. You no longer have a stomach where the food is broken up. You absorb vitamins in the small intestine and the longer it sits the better for absorbancy.
   — ZZ S.

September 6, 2003
I was never told that, so I drink right up to the minute before my 1st bite! A totally *uneducated* guess: Maybe if the water doesn't run through fast enough, your first bite will run out with the last of the water? Hopefully someone with a clue will come along with the real reason! =o) Lori 281/215/158
   — Lori A.

September 6, 2003
I've wondered about this too.. my surgeon says 15-30 minutes before eating to stop drinking too... I've never done it, for the same reason you say... why bother if the liquid goes right through? I get full very quickly and stay full forever, so I don't think I've "washed" anything down... I do wait a full hour after eating though, before I drink.. I think that helps with staying full longer.
   — Kelly B.

September 6, 2003
I was told that I only had to stop 5 minutes before eating. I guess that is enought time to get everything out so you don't have a pouch full of water before putting food in it.
   — Heather M.

September 6, 2003
Our surgeon told each of us that we could drink as much as we wanted right up until our first bite of food. That has worked for us. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

September 6, 2003
Okay... we need to wait 15-30 minutes after drinking before we eat because if we eat while there is liquid in our tummies, the food will mix with the water and go out faster, leaving us not feeling full and eating more than we really need to eat. ALSO, becasue the liquid is thicker with the food in it, it can cause your stoma to stretch somewhat. Not always, but it can happen. Now, we wait at least 30 minutes after we eat to drink because we want the food to stay in our tummies as long as possible so we feel fuller, longer and do not eat as much. I wait an hour after eating and find that I do not get hungry very often at all. If I drink too soon, the food soaks up the liquid and tries to push it through the stoma, and that hurts as well as stretches the stoma out too much. SO, there are VERY GOOD reasons why we should wait!! Do yourself a favor, don't buck this one!! It IS really necessary!!
   — Sharon m. B.

September 6, 2003
Here's an idea! If it feels uncomfortable to drink with meals...don't! This is the first time I have heard people claim their docs say it is o.k. to drink with meals. Like I say all the time. So many people, so many doctors and so many different takes on WLS issues. It can be so confusing and alarming with so many differing view points. Sooooo listen to your own body, weigh out all the really interesting info you get here and do what makes you feel comfortable. Your body will sure tell you when you do something it does not like. If it feels uncomfortable, then stop doing it and try another approach. I choose to wait the half hour after a meal to resume my on going water consumption. And sometimes even after the half hour, it feels a bit uncomfortable. So I wait a few minutes more. Listen, listen, listen to your body. Tune in. Open RNY 10/30/02 minus 191 lbs
   — Ginger M.

September 6, 2003
Excuse me - but I'm not "claiming" that my doctor said it was ok to drink with meals -- he and my nutritionist *DID* say it was ok! They both agreed that up until 6 months, it's hard enough to get your protein and needed liquid in, and since they are concerned about dehydration and protein deficiency, they said it was ok to drink with meals. In fact, they said the "pouch rules" are for people 6 months out and beyond. I am going to be sticking with what my surgeon said -- after all, he *did* go to college and medical school for eight years and happens to be an extremely well-educated and well-regarded surgeon in our medical community. That being said, I *do* notice that if i try to drink like i did pre-op, i managed to only get in 2 or 3 bites at most. I try to keep my drinking with meals to a minimum, but drink all the way up to the moment i eat. If i didn't, i'd NEVER get all of my daily fluid requirements. my suggestion is to go with your surgeon, but to also listen to what your body says. Good luck!
   — sweetmana

September 6, 2003
Well Beth, the jourey is certainly still out on this one isn't it!! I have been planning on asking my surgeon that same question at my next appointment. I'm supposed to wait 1/2 hour after drinking before eating and 1 hour after eating before drinking. I usually wait but not quite as much time as Doc says. I was told, however, by his nurse that the reason for waiting is that the pouch just can't hold very much and waiting will minimize bringing things back up because of lack of room. She also said that all the talk about washing your food down faster was just not true. I guess this is one you better call your Dr. about and then listen to your body as someone else mentioned before. Take care and God Bless. Barb
   — Sweet N.

September 6, 2003
Well... regardless of how esteemed a "sweet one"'s doctor is... I just told you what my doc told me, and he is just as esteemed in my community as apparently a "sweet one"'s doc is in his/hers! LOL!! :~) Every doc/nutritionist is different!! :~) Ask your doc and do what he/she says! THAT'S your best bet!!! :~) Hugs!!
   — Sharon m. B.

September 6, 2003
it seems that with this issue as with so many others there are as many theories as there are Drs. making them up. funny thing is, with all the differences in programs, it seems like most of them are successful. I say listen to your OWN Dr. after all you chose him/her because you believed in the qualifictions they had.
   — **willow**

September 6, 2003
it seems that with this issue as with so many others there are as many theories as there are Drs. making them up. funny thing is, with all the differences in programs, it seems like most of them are successful. I say listen to your OWN Dr. after all you chose him/her because you believed in the qualifictions they had.
   — **willow**

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