The endoscopy showed my stoma was wide open, and I have an ulcer.

Has anyone had a problem with the stoma being wide open? The reason I requested the endoscopy, was because I was fustrated that I could eat more than I usually could, and have gained 15 pounds. I just never feel full long. They told me when they were doing the endoscopy, that I was lucky I had it done, as they found the ulcer. I'm suprised I got an ulcer when I've been on Previcid daily for about a year now. The Dr. doing the endoscopy said they can do a revision. I guess I want to know what to expect, surgery wise, approval wise (I have the same insurance) and if anyone else has had it, tell me your story.    — Marcia H. (posted on September 28, 2003)

September 28, 2003
Near the end of my profile I posted a letter from Carol A from another site where she discusses her stretched stoma. Mine is fine, but her writing is so good, I thought I should keep it for others.
   — faybay

September 29, 2003
Hi Marcia, I too had an EGD (endoscopy)on 9/17/03 because I have been able to eat a LOT the past few months and have not lost any weight for 3-4 months. My EGD report came back saying "GI wide open". I had a very large hernia (actually 2 when they got in there)and just had surgery for this on 9/26/03. My WLS doctor did the hernia surgery - his partner (Dr. Clarey) had said that if the stoma was too big that this could be fixed. The surgeon (Dr.Bruce) said that it was okay that it was supposed to be open - he said "if it was closed or too small no food or anything would get through". He said I just have to watch what I eat now to get the other 100 # off. I have only lost 60# since my WLS 11/6/02. Needless to say I am very frustrated by the whole mess. I thought that WLS was going to restrict how much I could eat and I would feel full. This only happens if I eat a lot of very dense type food - like steak or chicken. If they can repair stoma opening when they fix your ulcer I would certainly have it done. Good Luck !!! Kelly
   — Kelly B.

September 29, 2003
a 'WIDE stoma' is a problem associated with the RNY. I had my RNY 11/00 and never heard of problems with a wide stoma before surgery. I finally talked with the American Bariatric Association and they told me that surgeons have known about this problem for years, FAILED to fix it, so revert their patients to 'diet and excercise' if it happens. I chose the RNY for the food restrictions; and currently have NONE. As the other poster it is FUSTRATING especially if you are not aware of it before hand. Fortunally, it is now 'coming to light' so people are beginning to know that it 'could happen' it doesnt happen often - in our group only 2 out of 100. There are few surgeons who will surgircally fix it. I have met one, which her's was fixed when she had a revision of the 'whole' RNY. Now, if I talk with people about surgery; I recommend the DS which you cant have this problem, or the lap band. But IT is a major problem. I was a volume eater pre op. I chose the RNY so I could have 'limitations' .. I now dont have the limitations; and on top of that dont have the full feeling, etc. This can cause other problems. Because I had almost distal.. with 'diet' I did loose. Maintenance has not been as easy. BUT more than those problems I think is the 'isolation' When you have the WLS you are usually in a 'support group' I have one.. BUT its hard to feel apart of a group when YOUR different. Where most of your peers have trouble eating one egg and you could easly down more... I know this post isnt helping much.. Two years ago there wasnt any posts on 'large stomas' Thankfully people are becoming more aware that it can happen. If you are one of the few it DOES happen to there are not alot of choices out there to fix it. I am scheduled for surgery next week. My surgeon is going to attempt to fit me with the lap band. IF it works I will certainly post here this may be an answer to the people who have the RNY and need their 'stomas' fixed. Keep your fingers crossed it works :) But as a warning to PRE op.. if you have the RNY this is a reality it can happen - basically its the opposite of stricture; except with strictures they can be 'fixed' where this is left to the patient to 'deal with'. Alot of people with try to post 'use your tool' etc... the fact is if you have a wide stoma your TOOL is broke. If surgical intervention isnt available.... phyicological needs to be... it is VERY easy to get a eating disorder with this problem. Since I dont get full, I also dont get hungry... and went 10 days without eating... Its a very mental rollercoaster.
   — star .

September 29, 2003
Faye posted she posted a letter written by another person... I just found it on her profile.. and ITS ME! actually its wasnt written by ME but what the author writes is soooooooo true. I tried to post this once in another section of this site and it was TURNED DOWN by the moderators stating it would 'frighten' people. So UNFAIR... because most insurances' are still paying only for the RNY and NOT everyone can afford to pay out of pocket for other surgies.. people need to know THIS can happen.....
   — star .

September 29, 2003
Marcie, Helen, anyone else: If you find an answer to an enlarged/stretched stoma please email me and let me know. I also have this trouble and would very much like to find a solution to the surgical failure. My doctor also told me to keep a food diary and it'd be reviewed to find alternative to my higher fat protein diet. I didn't have surgery to be on a diet the rest of my life, so I'd like to find a better solution. I wish everyone who has this problem the best of luck. And I'm thankful that I have found out it's not my failure. For a while I was feeling pretty down about the 41 pound regain. S
   — sherry hedgecock

September 29, 2003
I had a revision due to a staple line disruption caused by a bleeding ulcer. I had a hard time convincing PCP that it was disrupted. PCP had me convinced that "diet and exercise" was my only hope. I finally got the guts to back to my surgeon in Sept 2002 and had my revision 5/22/03. I am down 102 lbs. The surgery was the same. Dr M said my pouch had swollen to the size of the original stomach. Get the revision. It is a medical procedure and should be covered. My ulcers were bleeding ones. The first required 6 units of blood the second only 1. The third one was the deciding factor. I also put most of the weight back on. I hoped this helps to convince you to get the revision. I actually read that ulcers are a common side effect to the RNY
   — snicklefritz

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