The surgeon is having me go for a battery of tests and get medical clearance from PCP

Now my PCP is telling me I have to go for a batch of his own tests and then go back to see him afterwards. Is this correct or is he just trying to make money???    — NJChick (posted on October 1, 2003)

October 1, 2003
My surgeon required that my PCP do a ton of pliminary tests before being sent over to see him. There were blood tests, ultrasounds etc. My surgeon sent a list over. Generally, surgeons need to rule out a weight problem caused by something treatable with medication like a thyroid problem or something like that. Once the PCP rules out all those issues and takes a complete diet history, you'll go to your surgeon who will request another round of tests, possible repeating the other ones if they are older than a month or two. Its annoying. Its expensive. It all is to protect you're health. You want the doctors to have a long list of tests to show the insurance company. And once you are get to go for more tests...pre-op testing...I think, the only testing all of us actually look forward too. Good Luck~~Renee B. Surgery 11.11.03
   — Renee B.

October 1, 2003
It may or may not be a waste of money. As long as you have insurance to cover then let them do what they feel is needed. Better safe than sorry. I only had the pre-op testing that the surgeon required, which was pretty extensive in itself. Although my internist insisted that I have a Cardiolite stress test when I showed up in his office saying that I felt like an elephant was sitting on it. I later was diagnosed with asthma, so most likely this was stress indiced asthma as I was really stressed out about getting my approval. I knew my heart was likely fine but my internist just felt he had to be sure, even though he wasn't having to sign off on the surgery as I had to be followed by a local internist when in the hospital.
   — zoedogcbr

October 1, 2003
If they are asking your PCP to give you a "medical clearance" for surgery, then it is totally appropriate for the PCP to request more tests to be done. The PCP is putting in writing that he feels you are healthy enough for the surgery and he really can't do that without current lab work, EKG, etc. When I had to have extra tests run, at first it was frustrrating but then I realized it was being done for my benefit too. This way there was no doubt my body was OK to go thru the surgery.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 1, 2003
Hi Debra- My surgeon is requiring that I use only certain drs, clinics, nutritionists, psychs, etc that he approves of for pre-testing. My PCP only needed to write a referral. Good Luck :o) Mea
   — Mea A.

October 1, 2003
Your PCP is doing his job exactly right - it will be his butt if he approves you for surgery without getting the tests done ahead of time. Having you come after the tests are done is also standard. He needs a warm body to examine, and he won't get paid for reading all your reports and puting his credibility on the line by just calling you with the results - he will do your exam and discuss your results and be able to get paid for it which is completely fair.
   — bethybb

October 1, 2003
Debra this is standard practice for good Dr's. If you have a test done, have the results sent to both the surgeon and PCP, this way they won't overlap and have you do the same test twice. Dr's don't make money off of tests. Having you in to review the results is standard practice.
   — M B.

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