Scared here about numbness on the outside of my leg from the knee to

my foot it is on the outside it feels like my leg is waking up from being asleep , sometimes it goes up my thigh also. its annoying to sleep or freaky when you shave your les b/c ya know it doesnt feel right. any help would be appriceated, oh i am one year post op on 10-23-03 thanks [email protected] i can never find the answers to my questions i ask thank you for your time brandy    — brandy H. (posted on October 11, 2003)

October 11, 2003
Brandy, This sounds like a question you should be asking your Doctor. The only thing I have ever heard about with numbness is connected with circulation. I'm not a Doctor and don't want to scare you, but I sure wish you would call your Physician. He would know better how to help you. keep us posted as to how you are doing. Good Luck always.
   — SnoJo S.

October 11, 2003
Definitely run this by your doctor. Lots of people complain of a numbing or slight pain sensation in their leg after surgery. Right after surgery you must be very careful it is not a problem any blood clotting. I had an epidural (standard procedure for my doctor in controling pain after surgery) and I woke up with a weird stinging, numbing sensation that did get worse for several weeks. It is practically gone now (I will be a year out the 30th of this month!) I have to admit it really bothered me for those first several months, but I noticed it lessening with time. Like I said, now it's hardly noticable. Maybe, in my case, there was slight nerve damage from something surgery related???? No one could give me any answers. We watched it and the docs decided it wasn't anything serious and as long as it was lessening we just all hung in there.
   — Ginger M.

October 11, 2003
This sounds like meralgia paresthetica.It is similiar to sciatica but it deals with a different nerve in a different area.This is caused by a superficial nerve in your groin area being compressed.Because it is a superficial nerve it is not dangerous.Some causes are....being overweight,how you are positioned in surgery or just from lying on the surgery table for so long,restrictive clothing,repetitive movement.Basically anything that would cause pressure on the nerve.This usually resolves on its own in time.If you type meralgia paresthetica into your browser you will find lots of info.
   — jennifer A.

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