I have been feeling a gripping/clamping type pain in my tummy, possible causes?

I am 26 mths out and have nothing but success with my gastric bypass. Then 3 weeks ago developed an uncomfortable feeling and it now feels like someone is gripping or clamping down on my intestine/pouch/tummy area. Spent a Friday night at Kaiser a 2 weeks ago as the pain had become quite strong and I was afraid I had something stuck (Kaiser didn't do my surgery, I have changed jobs since then). Having irregular and small BMs, but also not eating much as feel lousy so much of the time. I know my water intake is down as even water hurts to take in. Have also had reflux which I have not had since surgery, also occaisionally have the dry heaves. Stomach Xrays and a CTscan were 'inconclusive' that night at Kaiser, I now have an upper GI endoscope scheduled for next week. I am not afraid of the endoscope but wondering, is this a stricture, hernia, scar tissue? Could I have blown out my staple lines? Any thoughts? Living off Tylenol to make the pain tolerable so I can work. Ick! Thanks for the feedback--whatever it is.    — MrsBacchus (posted on October 23, 2003)

October 23, 2003
Glad they have scheduled an upper but confused why they haven't ordered a lower GI - sounds like it could possibly be a kink in your bowels. Not uncommon - and similar symptoms to which you describe. Hope they find whatever the cause is and can remedy it for you SOON! Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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