when did you start to exercize after surgery and what did you do.

I want to do some exercize but dont know when after surgery. How long till I can lift weights with out the fear of a hernia? I kow it will be atleast 50 lbs before I can walk distances my knees are not very tolerable to walking at this weight. What kind of exercizes did you do right after surgery? Thank you I have surgery this Monday and I just want to know what some of you did to help in weight loss in the first 2 months.    — D P. (posted on October 26, 2003)

October 25, 2003
I started out walking down the hall in the hospital and every day thereafter. It will take a while to build up the strength to be able to go far, but I think I could walk about a mile at 4 weeks. I got up to 2 miles by 2 months and did that for a while each day. Once I was 6 months post op, I started playing tennis, then at 9 months post, I joined the local YMCA and continue to go almost daily. I'm now 1 year post and love what exercise does for me. I also have a more active lifestyle. I now clean my own house instead of having a cleaning lady, I do some gardening. I do more things for myself now which all adds up to an increased metabolism. Good luck.
   — Yolanda J.

October 25, 2003
Hi, I was only allowed to walk for the first 6 weeks. I have arthritis in my back, feet, ankles and knees, but honestly I didn't hurt! I think the pain med that they gave me in the hospital helped tremendously. I was able to walk further than I ever could pre-op, and if I did have soreness, I took a half dose of the liquid Lortab. The pain went away, and I was able to go and walk again the next day. Also, I didn't walk miles and miles at first. I still can't, at almost 10 weeks out and minus 42 pounds. I took several mini-walks, each lasting at least 10 minutes, and gradually worked my way up. <p>If you can't walk, maybe your doc would let you ride a recumbent bike, the kind where you lean back against it. That might not be quite as hard on your knees.</p> <p>I hope this helps; good luck on your upcoming surgery!
   — Moysa B.

October 25, 2003
Why don't you try swimming? They have water exercise classes as well. I started using light weights early on with my Dr.'s ok. As long as you don't use those stomach muscles it should be ok. I just worked my arms at first. I would defintely do something though. You figure, right now you are doing nothing. Anything you do would be an improvement and would be helpful. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 26, 2003
Even though you say your knees can't take it, I'd do some walking. Not a lot. Instead of walking till your knees hurt once a day. Walk 10 little walks a day. Walking helps you heal faster. I could only walk two houses down and back after surgery. So I had to do that 10 times a day. Now (4 mos exactly later) I can walk 2 miles at 4.0 miles an hour, do the elliptical machine for 20 minutes, bike for 20 minutes and then workout with the personal trainer on weights! If you put your mind to it, you can do anything you want.
   — mrsmyranow

October 26, 2003
I started working out three weeks post-op on the elliptical machine at the gym. I started with 30 minutes at level 1. I did not do any weight training until I got the okay from my surgeon at my three month checkup. Now I've found that I've traded my food addition for an exercise addiction. Currently I weight train 2-3 days per week for 30-45 minutes. I do the elliptical machine 4-5 days per week for 30 minutes on level 6, and I run on the treadmill 4-5 days per week 30 minutes (3 miles nonstop).Best thing of all is at six and a half months out I am down 87 lbs and only 18 to goal! Barb 4/07/03 235/148/130
   — Barbara C.

October 27, 2003
I started walking in the hospital of course, but I was actually about three weeks post-op when I started going to the track. I could only walk half the track - or 1/4 mile - but now I'm five weeks post-op and I can do the entire track - 2 miles - in about 35-40 minutes. And on those rainy days, I have Walk Away The Pounds tapes and they are a great workout. Just take your time and ease into it.
   — Lissa M.

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