Has anyone had an abnormal mammogram after WLS?

I'm 6 month post-op and down 80 pounds. I've just received an abnormal mammogram and had an ultrasound on Friday. I'm waiting for the results. Has anyone else had anything like this post-op? If so, did it turn out to be due to changes in your body with the rapid weight loss that maybe is just showing as a change from your last mammogram and isn't really anything? Or, did it turn out to be the real thing - and did doctors tell you it's related to your WLS? Thanks for any info on this - I couldn't find much in the database that was recent.    — Debbie C. (posted on November 10, 2003)

November 10, 2003
I had a mammogram at about 10 months post-op. I had lost about 120 pounds by then. They came back in the room twice and kept asking me questions. It totally freaked me out!! They asked me if I had lost a lot of weight (this was my 2nd mammogram and they were comparing it to the first). When I had my first one, I weighed about 170 pounds. When I had the second one done, I was at about 130 pounds. I told them this and they seemed to be satisfied. About a week later I got a letter from the radiologist who said the mammogram was ok but there was a lot of density in the breasts. I had a friend who was told her mammogram was abnormal and she went for an additional test and she was told the same thing as me. I think weight loss DEFINATELY has something to do with it. However, I haven't had any problems and hopefully your will be the same as mine - dense breasts!!
   — Patty H.

November 10, 2003
Debbie, Yes, I had this happen exactly last month after losing 100 pounds. I was terrified between the mammagram and getting the results back from the ultrasound. It turned out that there were no cancer cells. It was abnormal because of my body changes. I will be holding a good thought for you. Ann in TX
   — Ann B.

November 10, 2003
I had an abnormal mammogram this year. Turned out to be a fibroadenoma, totally benign. It was a huge lump the size of a golf ball. I was told that it was common in my age group and race. Pretty sure I wouldn't have detected it if I hadn't dropped 100lbs. Keep positive and I'll be praying for you.
   — Cupcake B.

November 10, 2003
This has absolutely happened to me! I had a mammogram Sept '02, which came back fine. I've actually had about 5 to date beginning since I was 23 with no problems. Anyway, the Mobil unit came by our work again in Sept '03. I wasn't going to have another exam but decided I would as I was 2 months post op and down 40 lbs. I figured it might give them a clearer view as I'd been without caffeine and had lost some weight. Well, it sure did make the view clearer! The first time ever I got a letter saying they found something and want me to have another mammogram in 6 months! I'm obviously alarmed something was found but grateful I decided to get checked again. If I hadn't lost this weight I wonder if anything would've been found? I get another mammogram in March '04 and pray there has been no changes! Good luck to you! Lap RNY 7/11/03 231/172
   — Shelly R.

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