What could this leg pain be

I have been experiencing (mild cramps or spasms) in only one leg. I work out at Curves but I'm taking the month of November off to see if this will help. But it has not. The spasms are not as bad as when I was working out. The pain is mild but starts at the knee and radiates up my thigh but not all the time. I also bruise easily and it takes forever for it to go a way. I'm just more concerned as it could be blood clot.    — charanewme (posted on November 13, 2003)

November 13, 2003
I know for me, a blood clot is VERY painful. Especially to walk on it. I also have a lot of swelling in the leg and it's really red and hot. That's from blood and fluids being able to go in, but not come out. I would suggest if you're worried it's a blood clot, go to your dr immediately! Blood clots can be very dangerous. Better to be safe than sorry! Good luck!
   — blueeyedrdhed

November 13, 2003
Low potassium can cause cramping. I had it in random locations. Try eating a few more bannanas

November 13, 2003
I hope it's not a blood clot, go to the doctor soon and find out, but I'm sure you are probably okay! Since you've been working out alot, and if it's not something you are used to this is probably why. The worst thing you can do is take time off though. Your legs are getting used to all this walking and working out and building muscle. When I used to work out, and after a big day, during the night especially I would wake up with a horrible cramp. Make sure you stretch before and after. Is usually only happens in one leg at a time, and don't be suprised if it then happens to the other, usually one leg is stronger than the other. Get more potassium, and keep working out, the spasms will stop, and you'll fill much better. I'm not expert, but this was my experience, I haven't had surgery, but I used to exercise alot, and had aerobics and weight lifting one quarter so I was doing alot with my legs, I hope this helps, but please go to the dr. and get everything checked out, he can tell you exactly what to do...good luck!!!
   — Mandy K.

November 13, 2003
I was told it was lack potassium? and dehydration? I had this Charlie horse problems in my legs at night only OUCH! I do not have this problem anymore.
   — Janine Greenwood

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