Sclerotherapy Treatment Pain

i had Egd (scoped) for a stretched opening. Sclerotherapy with sodium morrhuate (6 1cc injections were used) to cause scar tissue to form to close it up some, my questions,has anyone else had this? how long did the stomach ache last? did it work? what is a normal size opening? thanks    — SHELLEY C. (posted on November 18, 2003)

June 2, 2008
I had the Sclerothearpy treatment done and only experienced mild pan. My sister had it done and experienced pain and was sick to stomach. I think it varies for each person. I probably need it done again as I can still eat like I used to be able to. If anyone knows of a Dr. in Raleigh, NC that performs the procedure please let me know. Thank you!
   — Blackjack177

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