Is this a contradiction or am I ignorant?

I just bought a box of Splenda.It says it measures spoon for spoon and cup for cup like sugar.The box is 3oz. In the right hand corner it says "equivalent sweetness to 2lbs of sugar".Huh? What does this mean? If it measures like sugar how can 3oz be as sweet as 2lbs of sugar? How do I use this stuff?Help-I'm confused!!!    — Sunshine D. (posted on November 22, 2003)

November 21, 2003
You use it just like it says. Spoon for spoon or cup for cup.
   — Delores S.

November 21, 2003
Good Morning Sunshine! I know it sounds confusing- but a cup measure is not a weight measure- it is a quantity measure---think of a taking your measuring cup and filling it with feathers- then taking another cup measure and filling it with lead- obviously the mesuring cup fill of lead would weigh a lot more than the feathers---same quantity but different weights. Use the Splenda just like sugar- and in the same quantity measure- so if a recipe calls for 2 Tablespoons of sugar- use 2 Tablespoons of Splenda. Good luck and hope this helps!
   — Stephanie S.

November 22, 2003
Hi Sunshine: I hope you're not as big of a sugar fanatic as I am/was. Preop I never bothered drinking diet sodas as there was no point to drinking something that tasted so nasty. It was real sugar or nothing thank you. Well, post op 2 and 1/2 years and I don't drink soda, but if I did I'm sure I still wouldn't like the diet stuff. I put Splenda in my coffee and it is ok, but I know real sugar would be way better. Preop I used to drink tea but I don't bother with decaf tea often now because it doesn't cover the taste of Splenda or Equal the way coffee does. I have tired to make things with Splenda as I used to LOVE to bake. I usually add a little extra Splenda because even though it says equal amounts it seems it just isn't sweet enough for me. I read where people can't drink this or that protein drink post op because now it tastes way too sweet. I must be the exception, because things can still never be too sweet for me. LOL At some point adding extra Splenda just gives the recipe a nasty chemical kind of taste so it's a thin line. I've pretty much given up baking because I have low self control, and if something sweet is in the house I'll keep wanting to eat it even though I still do dump. I guess bottom line is I'm a true sugar addict. If anyone is doing a study on people who can't control their sugar intake I'm the monkey to study. LOL I won't answer your question about how something so light can be equal measurements because Stephanie did that perfectly. Just thought if you wanted to discuss baking with me, I'd tell you to feel free to email. Sherry
   — sherry hedgecock

November 22, 2003
If you are baking I would do as it says, if you were going to use it in Kool Aid I would try it a little at a time and see how much you like, I know as others have said as a post-op sweet things don't appeal to me much anymore.
   — Saxbyd

November 22, 2003
I thought the same thing. I understand what a previous poster said about weight vs. volume....but it is such a tinnie tiny box...maybe some day I'll take the time to measure out 5lbs of sugar and a box of splenda into bowls and see how the volume compares....since were using equal ratios....seems pretty tricky...maybe splenda expands when it hits the air..hehe...
   — KimBo36

November 22, 2003
I actually find Splenda a trifle sweeter than regular sugar! I haven't baked wth it yet, but it's been great in my tea. My aunt, who's a diabetic, has been using it for years and makes nearly everything with it. In some recipes, she uses mostly Splenda and just a little bit of 'real' sugar, because of the way it browns, etc.
   — MsBatt

November 22, 2003
The box of splenda is equal in volume not weight to 2# of sugar. i find I personally get better results withthe splenda if I use about 1/4 less than I would real sugar and just a table spoon or so of real sugar ,say if it calls for 1 cup sugar I'll use 3/ c splenda and a table spoon of sugar. I have done this on banana bread and pumpkin bread with excellent results, also in cheesecake, and PUMPKIN PIE! the pumpkin pie was a little dry the first day but the texture changed over night and the next day was so good I couldn't tell it from regular pie and neither could anyone else. and with the eggs and evaporated milk it even had some protein in it.
   — **willow**

November 22, 2003
I meant 3/4 c splenda not 3/ c
   — **willow**

November 22, 2003
The splenda granules are much, much lighter than sugar granules making them weigh a lot less.
   — lindadougherty

November 22, 2003
Thanks everyone for your suggestions and comments.This does help clear things up.With the Holidays coming up it will be nice to bake some things I can at least have a bite of without fear of dumping ,well hopefully not dumping, we all know how that goes!lol Sunshine
   — Sunshine D.

November 23, 2003
OH HOW GLAD I AM THAT I WAS NOT THE ONLY ONE CONFUSED BY THIS!! I was thinking how can this be, I was also thinking "this stuff costs more than GOLD!" I bought it anyway, just to try it out and I realized these little puffed up granuals are very light. I enjoy having splenda around but I try to use it sparingly. I hope you have fun with it.
   — Angie Taylor

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