Am I the only one who can't stand the taste of splenda?

It tastes totally terrible to me the instant it hits my tongue. Anyone else this way?    — Shannon B. (posted on December 1, 2003)

December 1, 2003
You're not the only one! I hate it too. Like the other artificial sweeteners, it has a very unpleasant chemical taste to me. That's what forced me to give up the Atkins diet.
   — K M.

December 1, 2003
Have you ever tried Stevia? Its a Natural sugar substitute, no chemicals. You can find it at a health food store or if your grocery has a health food section (like mine does) it may be in there. I have not tried it yet because I like splenda, but have been talking with a vegan nutrionist that says splenda is bad for you too, since its artificial. Don't knw if I truely believe it or not, but I know some of what she says is true. Good Luck. Tricia 296/263/150
   — Tricia S.

December 1, 2003
I don't like it plain...but mixed into things I love it.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 1, 2003
i hate it also, it is foul i dislike all artifical sugars they make me ill(headcahes diahrrea, cramps), however i have no trouble eating the real thing! go figure???
   — janetc00

December 1, 2003
I can't stand it either, I don't have a problem at all with aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal) but the splenda tatstes downright horrible to me.
   — Patricia T.

December 1, 2003
No, you're not! In fact, I find it totally repulsive. The clinical data that's coming out on it isn't too encouraging either! dina
   — Dina McBride

December 1, 2003
I don't MIND splenda, I just don't think it sweetens as well as sweet'n low. I also feel the same way about equal.
   — Fixnmyself

December 1, 2003
Wow! I can't taste ANY after taste with Splenda. It is the BEST tasting sweetner I've ever had. Weird others can taste something I can't. As far as the Steva... I bought some of that four years ago. That is the worst tasting slop I've ever had. I can't see how anyone could even choke that down for any reason. We all have differnet tastes. As far as the research on Splenda. I too feel it is NOT safe. No one can convince me that clorinating a sugar molucule is safe! However I use it as I don't think we have to many safe foods anyway, so I do the best I can. ;)
   — Danmark

December 1, 2003
When I was pre-op, I turned my nose up at Splenda, because I thought it didn't sweeten things enough. When I was newly post-op, I couldn't stand the taste of anything that was sweetened with aspartame, which was almost everything sugar-free. Then I discovered Splenda again. This time it tasted just right, not too sweet and no bitter aftertaste like the aspartame. So I am happy with it now, I used it to bake a sweet potato pie last week and it turned out great. As for Stevia, I tried it once and it tasted like black licorice, which I hate, so that went in the trash too.
   — Carole V.

December 2, 2003
You're not alone. Many people find that certain sweeteners taste bad to them. My hubby hates splenda. He thinks it tastes like metal. To me- you might as well kill me as make me eat something with Sweet N Low in it! I'm curious about what Dina said about the data on Splenda (sucralose) I've yet to hear a bad thing about it. Whereas Sween N Low and Equal have all kinds of stuff out there about their bad effects because of their chemical base. Anyway- you may find your tastes change along the line, so don't rule anything out forever!

December 2, 2003
no-can't stand it
   — Lisa D.

December 2, 2003
Can't stand it either. I don't like aspertame, or any other artificial sweetner. I just use the real thing and only have a tiny bit of it. It's soooo much better!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 2, 2003
I like Splenda in some things, but not in others. I usually use Fructose but have been considering getting some stevia to try it out. I have a bunch of recipes in a book using mostly turbinado sugar and fructose and a few that uses Splenda. If you are interested, it is available at Good luck to you!
   — Lynette B.

December 3, 2003
I'm pre-op. I've been trying to cut back on my sugar intake to get used to the possibility of a "no sugar" life post- op (just in case I'd be one of those who couldn't tolerate sugar) First of all Aspartame is NOT good for our bodies. I have Lupus and it has been proven aspartame intake contributes to the cause of Lupus, so I avoid anything I can with Aspartame in it. I'd rather us Sugar! I've been trying Splenda lately in my coffee & my tea. I made banana bread using Splenda and it tastes great! however I have noticed that while I can handle it mixed into a drink or used in a recipe I cannot tolerate it on its own. I tried to mix up some cinnimon & Splenda to sprinkle on toast and it tasted horrid! sooooooooo I think it's all a bit of trial and error. Somethings may be better than others under different cooking/recipe situations.
   — Jennifer M.

December 3, 2003
I think it gives me a mild case of dumping. I used it in my oatmeal, I purchased hot chocolate to mix with my protein drink. I only used 2 teaspoons out of the package of instant chocolate and I got sicker than a dog. Anything with it makes me hurl. I am only 9 days post op. I never was a sugar person.
   — cookiedough

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