When is the pouch fully stretched?

I know everyone's body is different, but at what month or year can we expect our pouch to be fully stretched??? I asked this on MB but didn't get much response. Gail -104    — Bama Beach Girl (posted on December 7, 2003)

December 7, 2003
I don't think there is a magic point because if you always keep pushing it you would be able to keep stretching it and eventually stretch it so much that your whole surgery is down the tubes. The idea is to eat till comfortably full which will extend your pouch but not permanently stretch it much. It holds more but still shrinks back smaller after the food has passed on. That's why the no grazing also, as it keeps your pouch in an extended shape all the time. <p>Respect your pouch and listen to it and then it will always be there in the future to help you keep to a healthy weight. I know it's easier said than done and I like many have some meals where I did not follow the rules, but mostly I do. I'm down 204 lbs and my pouch still talks to me, thankgoodness!
   — zoedogcbr

December 7, 2003
I am 21 months post-op from my wls andI did the cottage cheese test about a month ago, and it showed my pouch to be just a little under 3oz. my surgeon saoid that was perfect when I e-mailed him and asked him!!!
   — bikerchic

December 8, 2003
In regards to dizzy one - 3 ozs at 21 months??? That doesn't seem right. I am 8 months out and can eat 4-5 ozs of cottage cheese in a sitting.
   — Barbara C.

December 8, 2003
The average pouch will end up stretching to between 6 and 10 oz after about 18 mo post-op. That is normal to eventually stretch to that size. I'm also not sure the 3 oz size at 21 months is accurate. It is possible to abnormally stretch the pouch beyond the 10 oz, but to do so it would mean overeating consistently.
   — Cindy R.

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