I was diagnosed with DCIS and am just finishing radiation.

I had WLS last Dec. 30 and have lost 105 pounds. I am so afraid that when I start taking Tamoxifen for the BC that it will not be absorbed and protect me from getting cancer again. Has anyone else had to deal with this? Any info would be great.    — Julia B. (posted on December 14, 2003)

December 14, 2003
Sorry but I do not know what DCIS is, but my suggestion is to get your WL surgeon in touch with the oncologist or radiologist. They need to understand the special needs of your new anatomy and then choose something that will work with it. I also would be concerned of the malabsorption. It took till about 8-1/2 to 9 months for me to realize I was malabsorbing my depression medication. It wasn't until something more significant came along and I just could not deal with it the right way. Bumped up my medication a small amount and the rest is history. Things are back like they should be. <p>I'm so sorry you have to go through this and I will keep all good thoughts for a speedy recovery and very long healthy life! Fight with everything you've got!! Blessings, Chris D.
   — zoedogcbr

December 14, 2003
I do not know how the Tamoxifen may or may not be absorbed - but I would suspect that there is more than one mode of delivery (although one might need to persue that concept instead of waiting for the information to be volunteered). Perhaps you could get it in patch form, the same way the birth control "pills" are now offered. Was your cancer limited, I assume? No positive nodes? Tamoxifen is well known to be effective against breast cancers that are hormone receptive, as it certainly sounds like yours is, if they are talking about putting you on Tamoxifen - I would discuss this with your surgeon, and also your oncologist to find the best possible route for delivery of the med. Good luck, and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
   — johanniter

December 14, 2003
I had my open RNY December 12, 2002. In May I found out I had DCIS. In June I had a biopsy, then re-excision, followed by 30 radiation treatments. They did not put me on Tamoxifen, so I really can&#8217;t give you an answer on that. They did take me off of my hormone patch and I go back in April for a checkup. God bless you and good luck! Sapala-Wood Micropouch 213/130/125.
   — Jazzy

December 29, 2003
I was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 years before my gastric bypass. You need to ask your oncologist about your hormone receptor status. Tamoxifen is not necessarily indicated when you have a negative or weakly positive hormone receptor status. I did not take Tamoxifen, and I will be 5 years cancer free in February. My best wishes are with you. You can beat this!
   — Ann H.

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