To mesh or not to mesh at hernia site?

I've seen a general surgeon for the past few months and he wants to do the hernia repair and use the mesh. The opening is 3.5 inches wide and is about the length of my open RNY insision scar. I have also seen a plastic surgeon and he says he can do the hernia repair but he says the mesh isn't neccesary. I've been told by both doctors the hernia is of considerable size. The general surgeon is an old well respected surgeon in this area but the plastic guy has done quite a few baratric patients with hernias. Who do I believe? Should I insist the plastic surgeon use the mesh?    — jocelyn (posted on December 15, 2003)

December 15, 2003
Thankfully I've never had a hermia, but if I did, I'd want the mess unless someone gave me a really good reason NOT too! ;)
   — Danmark

December 15, 2003
I am a medical transcriptionist and every doctor that I have ever typed for that talked about a hernia repair used mesh. It gives the extra support you need. So, I would definitely use mesh.
   — Checker B.

December 15, 2003
Having mesh put in will pretty well guarantee that the hernia will not occur again. I had a very sizable hernia due to a surgery in 1991 when I could not have mesh put in because the surgeon had to let me heal from inside out due to having pancreatitis. My hernia was 6" X 9". I had the hernia repaired in 1993 and it did not come back even with open RNY back in May of this year and my bariatric surgeon put mesh back in me.
   — ChristineB

December 15, 2003
My dr was going to use mesh but he told me I would lose my belly button because the mesh doesn't adhere well to the belly button. This was before I had the WLS. When I had the wLs the dr fixrd a hernia that you could put a football through (his words) he did NOT use the mesh. I couldn't lift and he did tell me my weight could cause it to tear again. I lost 110 pounds in 6 months and am no longer afraid of it tearing. The worse thing that could happen by not using mesh is it would come back. If there was a high rate of hernias coming back they wouldn't do it. Also I believe the mesh is done with small cuts and the fusing is done open. My WLS was open so that was when it was fixed. I would bet since you drs were thinking of two different cutting procedures one chose mesh for the small cuts and one chose fusing because you are going to be open to him and he can than fix it the other way. Either way has + and -
   — Rebecca K.

December 15, 2003
Be sure you get the two-sided mesh, apparently it's much more comfortable.
   — Chris T.

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