Synthroid, and other medications...

I am pre op and I have trouble remembering to take my medications. I always take my synthroid in the AM, and then get busy and forget to take my hbp med and iron for anemia. I'm six weeks away and I have to get my iron in. I've been taking my iron before bed, along with my hbp med. I've recently been told that we shouldn't lie down after iron supplements. Is this true and why? Any advice on how to remember to take all my meds?    — D. K. (posted on December 27, 2003)

December 27, 2003
why don't you take your meds together? i am on synthroid, 2 hbp meds, zoloft, amaryl as well as glucophage xr. just wondering.
   — Keri P.

December 27, 2003
I have the memory problem too at times. what I have found that helps is to get a daily pill container and prepour the week's worth of the medications according to the days of the week and a.m. and p.m. I place the container in the same place and I don't have to remember did I take those or not. One look will tell. If you do this routinely, It becomes just that routine and there is very little remembering to it. Good Luck Donna
   — Donna R.

December 27, 2003
You should not take your iron with your synthroid. I also take synthroid and was told that iron and calcium interfere with the absorption of the medication, along with others. Please talk to your pharmacist regarding when it is best to take them. Also, please be aware that as you lose weight your TSH levels should be checked because the synthroid is given based on your weight, so you may have to change your meds. I got down to almost no TSH because my Synthroid was too strong. My dr. didn't catch it, until I started complaining about feeling badly. So I had another 6 weeks to see where my levels were and that caused a major plateau for me. I agree with the other poster, keeping meds by the bed in an organizer is a good idea. Just be cautious if you have children around!!
   — Skis I.

December 28, 2003
Hi, just wanted to say that I use an alarm clock to remind me to go back and take the additional meds I have to take. I take my levoxyl first, then later my other meds. That really helps me. Janice
   — betterfitness

December 29, 2003
I keep my pills in a 7 day pillbox in my purse. I have a small note stuck to my car dashboard to remind me to take my synthroid on my way to work. Synthroid is chewable so you really don't need water. Then I take my HCTZ when I get to work along with my vitamins (they can go together). I have vitamins in my drawer at work. The only thing I have to remember is to separate calcium, iron and synthroid. Calcium can not be taken with iron which can't be taken with synthroid. Do not mix medicines and take them all at once without checking with a very good licensed pharmacist.
   — M B.

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