Anyone use phenergan gel for nausea?

Today I mentioned to my internist that I was feeling nauseated almost everytime I eat. He prescribed phenergan gel and told me to use as needed. Well, first of all, this gel is not easy to find, is expensive and I was told my insurance my not cover it---thankfully it did though. I was told to put it on my wrist and wait for it to dry...Do I put it on BOTH wrist, like perfume? Also told you can rub it on your stomach. Anyone familiar with this? Does it work? and how do i apply it exactly? Happy New Year Jennifer -32 Open RNY 11/25/03    — JennA (posted on December 30, 2003)

December 30, 2003
Hi Jennifer: I never heard of that drug, but if you call a pharmacy and ask they will probably be able to answer your question. If not, you can do a search on line and probably find out. I'm glad your insurance covers it. Happy New Year to you too. S
   — sherry hedgecock

December 30, 2003
Boy this one is a mystery to me too. I did a web search on google, yahoo, and dogpile and came up with very little. Just a few scraps of people talking about using it before. I hope you had better luck in the search department! Those who did say they've used it say it works well. I would call the pharmacy or the doctor's office and ask for more info on it.
   — Renee A.

December 30, 2003
Jennifer, My son (11yrs.)used it this past fall for n/v associated with migraines. It was "compounded" at a pharmacy in our area and was VERY effective. Think about it, your wrists are an area of your body that will absorb well transdermally. Just remember not to wash your hands/wrists after applying the gel. I think this is an awesome alternative for phenergan to be used. My son would NOT allow me to give him a suppository.
   — happy girl

January 5, 2004
Why didn't he give you the pill version?? It's cheap and the pills are small. I was taking them 3 weeks post-op for nausea 24 hours a day. I think I would call and let him know of the expense and ask if he can switch you to the pill version.
   — Patty H.

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