What creative outlets have you developed for yourself as a post-op?

One of the tough emotional issues following WLS is the need to handle emotional responses to people, food and situations. What creative outlets have you developed following surgery to handle the changes in your body, mind, spirit that you perhaps used to handle with food. One of my objectives for 2004 is to improve my drawing skills and to teach myself to run without feeling my lungs are going to collapse? I'm finding as I'm building up my running skills (which I NEVER thought I'd be able to do) it's an outlet for stress that I'm finding very welcome. Drawing gives me an emotional outlet that makes me feel like the sky is the limit, although at this point I don't feel I'm that good. What are some of the other things you've done as emotional outlets?    — Cathy S. (posted on January 3, 2004)

January 3, 2004
I work on my bicycling goals, which for 2004 is 8500 miles, which is 500 more than last years, and as far as creativity, I continue to latch and weave rugs, learn more about leatherwork from my fathers patterns that he left me along with his tools from the turn of the century. Making things that endure is a good balance to our day to day lives that have a tendency to rise and fall according to numerous whims. I also continue to sharpen and hone my storytelling skills which my parents passed on to me.
   — track

January 3, 2004
I have recently joined Ladies Only so I can start getting in more exercise. I find that riding the recumbent bike is a great way for me to relieve stress. I also like to lift weights, and I'm looking forward to starting some beginner aerobic classes. <p>Some other things I like to do are knit and crochet. I know at least 4 pregnant women right now, and I love to make booties and afghans for them. I also like to buy t-shirts and sweatshirts and put iron-ons on them and embellish them with paints. Then I give these to my mom or grandmas or mother-in-law. Once in a while, I'll make one for myself, too! Moysa, lap rny 08/19/03, -70 lbs.
   — Moysa B.

January 3, 2004
While it is not exactly a creative escape. I find that when I am home by myself and bored, I want to eat - regardless of hunger. So I clean or get out of the house and go shopping.
   — Heather M.

January 3, 2004
I had Open RNY on 1/27/03 - almost 1 year ago. In addition to exercise, I started my own scrapbooking business this year. I do in-home classes, attend crops, and have had a blast getting to know lots of new people. I love scrapbooking and this has been a great creative outlet for me - in addition to bringing in some more money. And, I always wow my new customers by showing them the scrapbook pages I did of my WLS journey and the amazing shrinking woman! :)
   — barbdeane

January 4, 2004
I plan to increase my workouts maybe add resistant exercizes, swimming, and yoga. I went back to college this fall to finish my BA, it was a difficult semester with working full time and first college class in 29 years! I love gardening, got some great plans for spring and summer.
   — debmi

January 4, 2004
I hit the gym for about 45 minutes 5-6 days per week. I've added to my crochetting skills over the last year. I also love to read, so I do that much more.
   — Yolanda J.

January 4, 2004
I took up yoga. I love it. I would have never had the courage to show up at the yoga studio when I was MO.
   — Angie M.

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