Would anyone who had a lower body lift allow me to view before/after pics?

I am down 200 pounds and saw my plastic surgeon today for a consult. He wants me to do the lower body lift instead of the abdominoplasty. Would anyone please allow me to view before/after photos so that I have a realistic expectation of what my outcome might be? Thank you so much!! Debbie    — Debbie M. (posted on January 15, 2004)

January 15, 2004
Try the web site of Dr. philip E Fleming. If you send me your email address I will send you the link.
   — Tawnda C.

January 16, 2004
Here is the Dr. that pioneered/developed many new techniches regarding "The Lift"... check out his site and he has explainations, and photos... good luck!
   — MF

January 16, 2004
Here is the Dr. that pioneered/developed many new techniches regarding "The Lift"... check out his site and he has explainations, and photos... good luck! Oh the link might help huh??
   — MF

January 16, 2004
MF... Dr. Ted Lockwood is one of the best plastic surgeons in the world. He is 'the guy'... I have heard his name mentioned in many circles where people can go wherever and to whomever they want for their surgery with a blank check and they go to Ted Lockwood. I havent seen his name brought up here before. He is a pioneer of the body lift technique. ciao susan maria
   — SusanMaria

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