I am not eating enough protein and really can't stand protein shakes, etc.

What happens if I don't get enough protein in my diet? I am 3 1/2 months out and have lost 53 pounds so far.    — Cathy C (posted on January 31, 2004)

January 31, 2004
You will plateu, lose lean body mass. You NEED protein and water to Be healthy, heal and lose. PLEASE try to up it... chicken beef cheese Keep trying drinks! ' And make sure you dink alot of water
   — Sabrina H_NC

January 31, 2004
You will definately lose more hair!
   — Pambylah

January 31, 2004
I agree with the other posts. You need that water and protein. I have found that the more water I drink, the faster the weight comes off. Remember one thing--water, water, water--just do it!!!!!!
   — Gene F.

January 31, 2004
try this by gnc worldwide pure protein frosty chocolate it has 35 grams of protein and is good i am 3 days post op and this helps
   — debbie J.

January 31, 2004
I am about the same time wise (LAP/RNY 11/3/03) and down 65 pounds. I was doing protein shakes till 6 weeks out when I could start on pureed foods. I tried "real" protein, but was having problems. I knew I needed protein so I found a great canned protein drink. It is called Extreme Smoothie. It is made by Van Horn Technologies. web page is I love the chocolate and it has 35 grams of protein in the entire can. It is a bit pricey ($2 a can), but for one meal, pretty reasonable (hey-- happy meals are more than $2). We need protein --- weightloss will slow down without it and also we will start having physical problems. Good luck!!
   — LisaL.

January 31, 2004
What happens if I don't get enough protein in my diet? <p> Long term, death. If you don't eat your protein, your body, trying to obtain homeostasis, will start catabolizing the protein in your body. Non essential stuff first, hair, nails, skin. Eventually it goes after lean muscle mass and lastly your non-vital then vital organs (heart). <p> Not to scare you, but getting the protein isn't as trivial as just keeping your weight loss up. Your HEALTH, the reason you had this surgery, will be effected. <p> The whey protein supplemants are important because we no longer can mechanically break down and absorb our nutrients like before. We paid big bucks to make sure of that. Please try to find a supplement that you can at least bolt down. Think of it as medicine if you have to - hold your nose and gulp.
   — Ali M

January 31, 2004
Well you had a surgery so protein drinks are not a choice thing. It's medicine for your body and sometimes we don't like how medicine tastes.
   — mrsmyranow

January 31, 2004
I think i've mentioned this before, but if you add 1/3 a cup of powdered milk to 1 cup of skimmed milk, you can get 16 g of protien, you could use that in place of shakes as long as you were eating "real protien" (ie pureed fish, chicken, ham) I don't see that it would be a problem if you tried that. And all the other posts are right, every single cell in your body is made of protiens, right down to the fat cells. Protiens are the building blocks that your body is made of...serious things could happen if you don't get the minimum amount. Keep that in mind and good luck.
   — mandy-shea B.

January 31, 2004
Sugar free Nestle's Quick, 4 oz milk or water and 1/2 scoop of Unjury unflavored. 15g protein and it's not bad - much better than some of the others.
   — Cera H.

January 31, 2004
Okay, you can't get all your protein from this, but since you can't stand shakes, how about a Detour bar with 15 grams of protein now and then? My DH eats 2 of these a day and is about 5 lbs from the doc's goal for him. (He also has protein shakes twice a day, too). I have the protein shakes and maybe 3-4 Detour bars a week. I really think the best way to get protein is from actual food! Protein shakes are an easy way to get it in, but Detour bars can't hurt. Try deli turkey and cheese rolled up together, beef jerky, peanuts, etc.
   — koogy

January 31, 2004
Try They have cheap samples you can try of many different protein drinks. I've heard good things about proscore 100-chocolate and the nectars..especially Fuzzy navel. Protein is critical..don't scrimp there..
   — FaithMills

January 31, 2004
I have the same problem with protein drinks. I know that I need to supplement, but when you throw up from the taste, i'm not sure how much good that is doing. What I've been doing is drinking Carb Countdown Dairy Drink, it has 12g per 8 oz and tastes just like hersheys chocolate milk. It comes in white, chocolate and 2% skim. I've only tried the chocolate, but has been a life saver. I want to get some unflavored protein powder and run it through my smoothie maker with the Carb Countdown. I'm still trying protein drinks and hope that i will find one that I can tolerate.
   — tmchase62

January 31, 2004
Im with the other poster.. Drink 'Carbo Solutions' I use the Fat Free (70 cal - 12 grams protein) per 1 cup. I like mine hot with 2 packets of equal. Not only are you getting protein in but Calcium - each cup as 35%
   — star .

January 31, 2004
Try the Carb Countdown chocolate milk (with 1/2 cup water) as the liquid for your shake. I find this tasty but by adding some DaVinci syrup I find it wonderful. Love my shakes! Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 1, 2004
Protein drinks are *essential*, in my opinion. And in my surgeon's professional opinion. He's done over 3000 surgeries in the last 16 years, and says we must all do at least 90 gms of protein shake /day. And his more distal patients must do 120-150 gms/day.<p> Check out . . . some are great, and you gotta find the ones that you like. Also, use a straw - the smell can make you kinda nauseous, or affect the flavor, even tho you may not be aware of the smell.<p> Try Choc Stack, or Nectars, or ProScore 100 . . . and I *love* Proplete Gold in Berry or Pineapple Vanilla.
   — RWH G.

February 1, 2004
Protein is essential for normal body health and function. As a previous poster stated, if you do not take in protein, your body <i>will</i> find a way to get it--and will rob it from muscle mass, then vital organs. Protein is essential for healing...without it, you will not heal well.<br> I found that I like the taste of the Unjury protein powders (get it at I find ways to take in my protein without having to "drink" the shakes. I add chocolate protein powder to sugar free pudding. I know most recipes say to add one scoop to one package, but I mix the pudding, then add one scoop to my serving! I add the unflavored to drinks such as sugar free v-8 splash. I sometimes add the vanilla flavor to a bowl of oatmeal. I add unflavored to cottage cheese and mix with one teaspoon of sf jello powder. I keep experimenting with foods and adding the protein powder to different things. Some work, others don't! But I find things <b>I </b> like and that go down well for me.<br> I also found out early on that I could eat meats best when they are very moist...this still holds true. I would buy roast and have the butcher cut away all visible fat, then grind it for me. I take a cup or so of broth (I think Swanson's broth in the box tastes the best), add a bit of onion or spices for flavor, lightly cook the ground beef, then let it simmer in the broth. It goes down easy, feels like a LOT of food, and is full of protein. I will grill a chicken breast, shred it, and add it to broth in the same manner. I take Pace Picante sauce mixed with a tad of mustard and a packet of Splenda, pour it over a chicken breast or pork chop (even fish fillets) and bake it just until the meat is done....tasty, moist, tender, and easy on the pouch. <br> I am not a cheese lover, never have been, and this did not change. But I occasionally will take a slice of mild, low fat cheese and wrap it in a super-thin slice of deli meat...this is moist and tender, and again, full of protein. It's also very filling for me. <br> I did not tolerate (still do not) foods such as potted meat and canned tuna, but some do. I have read of many of who would eat potted meat and a couple of low fat or wheat crackers. Potted meat is fatty, but is a good source of protein. I found creative ways to make crab cakes or fish cakes (salmon or tuna--fresh is really good, although more expensive). It just takes some experimenting and playing with your foods, finding things that suite your taste and agree with your pouch. You can do it! <br> Good luck and HUGS to you. Linda
   — Linda S.

February 1, 2004
I find myself in the same situation as you. I have tried a million and one protein shakes and hate the taste of them. I have a couple of things that have worked for me: 1. Atkins chocolate protein shake (it is not good, but it is more tolerable than any other ready mixed drink I have tried) 2. Mix no sugar added vanilla or chocolate ice cream in a blender with 2-3 oz of skim or low fat milk and throw in a couple of scoops of non flavored protein powder. It makes a wonderful milkshake and is much better than any of the other ready made shakes I have tried. Whenever I can't get in my protein, I will just whip one of these shakes up and I promise you, it is really good. Sonya Open RNY 11/26/03 244/194/150
   — Sonya B.

February 1, 2004
I just found a protein drink I can stomach, It is Slim Fast, low carb, and it has 20g of protein. It is tolerable.

February 1, 2004
Agreeing with a previous poster...don't like shakes? Then try protein bars. They taste FAR better than those nasty liquids. I am 14 months post op. I NEVER drank protein shakes. I tried many, but couldn't keep any down. What I did was this...while I needed the liquid I made a homemade protein shake out of Carnation Instant Breakfast, (No sugar added type)skim milk and powdered milk (for added protein) This NEVER had that disgusting protein shake taset. Then, when I was able I tried different protein bars to supplement. My favorite is EAS Carb Solution bars. They can be found at GNC, Sams & Walmart (my walmart sells the most flavors and smaller sized bars too) A small EAS bar has more protein, less carbs and less sugar than any Detour, Uturn, etc bar. They are also cheaper. EAS makes many different bars, so make sure you look for the carb solution ones. Good luck to you and congrats for at least trying to find a solution to your problem!

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